I right books and I would like to make them into films well not me persay but find someone who dose that kind of things

I really dc what u or whom ever thinks just for the fact there published and I can’t spell good specks voulums all u r is judge mental and that’s the real issue here 🤷‍♀️😂

I just thought as a filmmaker I might be able to help you make one of
them into a film. But I accept that you don't care what I think. I hope
you find someone to make them into films.
The publisher:

There's nothing wrong with self-publishing - I know plenty of people who have done it to get their story out to the world in a very tough market.
But don't make it something that it isn't.
I agree.

Self publishing used to be looked down by the established authors and major book companies, but, with the online revolution and increasing availability of printing tools, that is no longer so. The same, of course, has happened not only to film but also to video game production.That said, those established authors have a point when they say that self-published authors often don't pay attention to the craft of writing, as in getting their spelling and grammar right.
It don’t really matter that’s what they make spellcheckers for and u don’t need good gramer to find soemone who can make ur books into movies so instead of judging move along if this do not atain to u period try bein a better person jsut maybe then Ull make it in life 😂
Ah yes... I remember the OLDEN DAYS when posts like this would get some people's dander up. Then there would be the old back and forth, back and forth. I'd like to take this opertunity to say how proud I am of everyone on the site... Especially on the EVE of a brand new year... My favorite saying:


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