How did tarantino get so famouse?

I've seen tons of great movies and never heard of the directors before (despite them having made several more great ones)

So how did he get so freaking famous?
I heard this story from someone who used to know him from when Quentin worked in a video rental store.

He said he watched so many movies he eventually knew everything about any movie you could throw at him so he had a good knowledge base to choose from on how to make movies.

So, throw in a love for cheesy horror films and over-the-top gore and voila, a professional director.

He is also said to have jumpstarted the careers of some actors and this might have a play in it...
I've seen tons of great movies and never heard of the directors before (despite them having made several more great ones)

Before 1992 you had never heard of the directors
of movies? Do I understand correctly?

You had never heard of Steven Spielberg? George
Lucas? Alfred Hitchcock? David Lean? John Ford?
Stanley Kubrick? Ingmar Bergman?
No, re-start is accurate for Pam Grier just as it was for Travolta :yes:

About Tarantino, the word is that he actually had friends and relatives in the business. We all know how priceless contacts are. He did work in the video store, though. He was lucky enough to have talent in writing and in directing.
Many people say he is ripping off these old movies, but he doesn't really. He just knows the genres so well that he can re-create them.

...have you even seen Reservoir Dogs? That's why he's a badass...

-- spinner :cool:
I've seen tons of great movies and never heard of the directors before (despite them having made several more great ones)

So how did he get so freaking famous?

By making films which have that rare mix of excellent writing, direction, acting, craft, AND broad audience appeal. He's an outstanding writer with an amazing knowledge of the various languages of film making.

Homage is his standby, the style he forged for himself and he does like like no one else I can think of. It's his thing though, and it works.

And of course whatever connections he happened to have didn't hurt either - but there are tons of "directors" who get where they are based on connections alone, and don't make nearly as strong of films.
QT = genius.

Plus, directorik raises a good question -- how is he the only director you've heard of? Friends of mine who are just your regular casual movie-goers can at least talk about Shyamalan, Bay, Spielberg, Eastwood, Cameron, del Torro, as well as a few other well-known contemporary directors, as well as why they like or dislike their style.

On a sidenote, I know this is blasphemy, but I think "Resevoir Dogs" is highly overrated. It's the only Tarantino that I don't particularly like. Well-crafted story, but I don't like any of those characters.
Restarted rather than jump started. Travolta, Carradine, Grier etc. although Grier's didnt really restart actually

Sorry - I meant like a car is dead and you jumpstart it. The car has gone a ways and is stopped on the side of the road then you come along and jumpstart it and it goes again.
Plus, I don't know how QT does it but I've known girls who hate gory horror films, HATE, can't look at a film with blood in it in the horror genre,

but then they practically drag me to go see Ingorious Basterds or some crazy bloody flick from QT as if it's a carebear movie.
I'd like to add to this. (I'm also not sure how you've not heard of other directors).
Personally, I think Quentin Tarantino is a genius, others might beg to differ. He is the reason I came into film making. (I also wrote my thesis paper on him for film. :) )

He did work at a rental store called "Video Archives" in Manhattan Beach. Where he did many film related things, one of those things was writing the screenplay for "True Romance". After selling that he started on his film "Reservoir Dogs", with the help of Harvey Keitel (Mr. White) they made the movie in 1992. It got a lot of independent buzz, it was even nominated for a sundance award.
After that he and Roger Avery wrote "Pulp Fiction". He directed it and it won an Academy Award for best original screenplay and was nominated for best director. With that it opened the door to 16 more years of great movies (and hopefully many more).
Of course that is just how he got started, I believe that the way he became so famous is the way actors and actresses talk about loving to work with him and the way regular people pretty much promote his movies more than the commercials do.

That was just me rambling on, I hope it answered your question. (I also hope I got all the dates right, I wrote that paper a loooong time ago)
He made Pulp Fiction (which is, undeniably a badass movie).

He also wrote for a while behind the scenes before breaking-out. Most people don't know that he wrote True Romance.

I think he's a fantastic writer, with a gift for dialog, and a cool flare...his movies are You can't deny that.

Plus he knows how to cast a film.
Those are all reasons why he makes great popular films, but I think his fame comes from more than just making those films. He's also a consummate celebrity who appears in his films and endlessly promotes them, going on the talk show circuit, hosting Saturday Night Live, etc. He's a hero to many film lovers who not only know him from his films but also his time as a video store clerk, etc.
I'm taking a real high from people noting that QT wrote "True Romance", it's a real shame he didn't direct it himself, perhaps it may have gotten the acclaim the rest of his catalog received.

'I just said Alabama come clean, and if he tells you to go back to Drexl and f**k yourself, then go back to Drexl and f**k yourself!'

'What...what's a Drexl?'

'Shuttup okay i'm tryin' to come clean. I've been a call-girl for exactly four days and you're my third customer, I'm not what they call Florida white trash! I'm a real good person, and when it comes to relationships...I'm one-hundred-percent...I'm one-hundred-percent...monogamous'
Those are all reasons why he makes great popular films, but I think his fame comes from more than just making those films. He's also a consummate celebrity who appears in his films and endlessly promotes them, going on the talk show circuit, hosting Saturday Night Live, etc. He's a hero to many film lovers who not only know him from his films but also his time as a video store clerk, etc.

Very true. Plus, I think there is something to be said about how different his films are from the rest of what's out there. His style is unique and peculiar, so it makes sense that he sticks out from the crowd.
He was also a cool/young/hip filmmaker when at the time most big directors were older. The whole indie scene was breaking at the time (Rodriguez, Smith) and it was a new wave of films just like in music when a new scene hits, like grunge.
The onion shit was funny as hell. He may be stuck up, and maybe a little sick and wierd. But we cant neglect he has made some entertaining as movies. Even if you tell yourself, The Reservoir Dogs wasn't as good as everyone says, it doesn't stop you from telling everyone you know they have to see, via convincing yourself how good the movie REALLY is.

Jackie Brown I have not seen :huh: But I have read the first half of the script!

And Tarantino started off dropping out of High school, Twice. Worked at a move store, watched movies, a guy came into the store one day, who had ties into the business. Quientin took action and pitched an idea to him. He became friends with him, and before you know, was friends with a whole brance of indie producers, writers, directors. He was living on peoples couches with not a cent, a car, or anything. One of his friends said he'd come home and find Quientin typing on a type writer in the dark. (Type writer, the good old days, the bad old days. The gritty days.) Quintin finished his first film, Best Friends Birthday, but the only film reel of it was burned in a fire. The film was re-made into, True Romance! Bad things happend for a reason. From here, a friend of his introduced him to his friend lol. And he read the Reservoir Dogs, and was all like, Oh my god. This is really good. And it's history from here.

I think a lot of people are jealous of Tarantino, because of the oppritunites he was given being a no body. And I came to the conclusion; It's not that he doesn't have a life, but his life IS movies. He has made some great movies. And I think tonight my gf and I will watch Reservoir dogs, then Pulp (Maybe, she hates the rapping scene). Kill Bill Vol 1-2 (She hasn't scene them :P) And Inglourios bastards. My grandpa loved the film.

I wrote a movie that used his, long scene style. It works good. But you got to study and think of good scenes.

Also, Kill Bill Vol 3 will be coming out in a few years. It's official.
I've seen tons of great movies and never heard of the directors before (despite them having made several more great ones)

So how did he get so freaking famous?

Quentin Tarantino loved movies. He attempted to make a movie on 16mm called "My Best Friend's Birthday", which was never finished. He started writing screenplays to be his next feature, first came Natural Born Killers, which he then gave to his friend Voss Randler (from the Video Archives store they both worked at) to direct. Then he wrote True Romance to direct. When he kept not getting enough money, he then wrote Reservior Dogs to be his first finished feature.

During this time, he was taking acting classes and networking like mad with film industry folks. He was hired to do a re-write of Bob Kurtzman's screenplay called FROM DUSK TILL DAWN for $6,000. With this money, he quit the video store and considered himself a professional writer. He spent the money developing and getting Reservoir Dogs ready to shoot. He got accepted to the Sundance Film Institutes director's camp and workshopped some scenes from the script, which are on the 10th and 15th anniversary DVD sets as they wer shot with video cameras.

In one of his acting classes, the teacher was friends with Harvey Kietel. She sent him the script in New York and he loved it so much that he agreed to star in the movie, and put money into it. Harvey Kietel also got friends of his at LIVE ENTERTAINMENT to put up the rest of the money, plus got a lot of the other actors interested in doing the movie.

So to answer your question, "How did Quentin get so famous?", the answer is that he networked and got to know other famous people who helped propel him into the spotlight. Having an abundance of talent didn't hurt at all either.
So to answer your question, "How did Quentin get so famous?", the answer is that he networked and got to know other famous people who helped propel him into the spotlight. Having an abundance of talent didn't hurt at all either.

There you go!

By the way, if you want to see "My Best Friend's Birthday", its on YouTube. You should see from whence Tarantino came...

-- spinner :cool: