Greetings from Longmont, Colorado

Hey everyone,
This is a really cool board and I'm happy to be a part of it. It's always hard for me to find people with similar interests, so I think this forum will be a huge asset for me.
A little about me:
I wrote my first feature script 5 years ago and since then I've written many shorts and three other features. My genres tend to be drama and family. A few months ago, I completed my first short film "Oscar Bones". It's a dark fairytale for all ages, it was shot digital and runs about 15 minutes. Now that post production is over, I'm adapting the short script into a feature script.
Also, I've always been romanced by claymation and am working with a friend on a story for another short film in claymation (that will, with all certainty, NOT be 15 minutes in length). Anyone else interested in claymation? Any tips, advice or general concerns about my sanity?
Anyway, thanks for having me on the board.

P.S If anyone needs advice on a script, I'm pretty good with that, I spent two years in screenwriting workshops at UCLA, we were constantly critiquing each others work. Besides, it's always so much easier to spot what's wrong with someone else's work ;)
Tara, your teaser did its job. I want to know more! Good luck with the festivals and I'm looking forward to seeing Oscar Bones in its entirety. ~ Jeff