Goodfellas.. Amazing or Amazing?

I remember watching this movie when i was younger, when i didn't understand the art of film and it amazed me. I watched it again tonight and it amazed me even more.. I'm sure the next time i watch it, it will amaze me more again.

Goodfellas has to be one of the best mob movies ever made, behind The Godfathers - of corse.

So anyway i was just wondering what everyones favourite parts were in the movie.. i have a few and thought that it would bring up a nice discussion on such a good film!

One of mine is the violent beginning and how it links to the movie when it is a third of the way through instead of the ending, which it is - typically. Maybe Scorsese was trying to say that for a gangster the end is no the beginning, it is the end.. deep.;)

My other favourite scene is at the end where Henry (Liotta) has a sort of sililoquy in the court room. Although it could be partially cheesy it is still cool. ha

Anyway people replies please!! I would love to talk more about it :)
Goodfellas has to be one of the best mob movies ever made, behind The Godfathers - of corse.

This seems to be a popular opinion among fans of the genre, but sometimes i'm not so sure. Why is The Godfathers "of course" better?

The complexity, depth and extremely slow pacing of the story (1, 2 and 3) can actually put people off watching it, and it certainly doesn't appeal to some, but that's one thing I like about it. It's a real storytellers story. Also, the photography and filming is just astounding.

Saying that, I realise; The Godfather films and Goodfellas seem to compliment each other so well. What one falls short on, the other does perfectly. What a peculiar coincidence.

Sorry to get all arty-farty there....Goodfellas is AMAZING.
To quote Peter Griffin on the Godfather....'"Not a Fan"

And to answer the question- Amazing or Amazing?......I choose the Amazing with the question mark behind it. JK I love good fellas. For me, what makes the movie is the way Joe Pesci(ms) says "mudder fucker"

Nice Zensteve :)
"Yeah, mom, so we hit this deer and it got its...its...paw? caught in the grill."

"Hoof. Da hoof."


"Fine, I'll dig the hole. Er, uh...where are the shovels?"
I've never understood what people see in Goodfellas. As far as Scorsese's films go, I'd put it behind Taxi Driver, The King of Comedy, Casino, and Raging Bull. As far as mob movies go, I'd rather watch Casino (again) or Once upon a Time in America, or Miller's Crossing. Actually, I don't really like the Godfathers that much either...
I've never understood what people see in Goodfellas. As far as Scorsese's films go, I'd put it behind Taxi Driver, The King of Comedy, Casino, and Raging Bull. As far as mob movies go, I'd rather watch Casino (again) or Once upon a Time in America, or Miller's Crossing. Actually, I don't really like the Godfathers that much either...

The steadicam shot when Henry takes what's-her-voice into the club through the back the first time is absolute brilliance. I love me some long take work, and that one is definitely up there with some of the all time great long takes.
The steadicam shot when Henry takes what's-her-voice into the club through the back the first time is absolute brilliance. I love me some long take work, and that one is definitely up there with some of the all time great long takes.

Very true. Some nice work......Once upon a time In America is a great movie as well. I prefer it over TGF.
Once...America is one of my favourite films EVER. I've had a giant poster of it that's gone everywhere that i've moved since I first saw the film, about 6 years ago.
I also think Goodfellas is better than Godfather, but as far as Scorsese films, no one character has made a connection with me as much as Robert De Niro did in Raging Bull, his Character is such an asshole it's almost sickening, but he makes you feel sorry for him. After watching the movie I almost felt like Jake LaMotta was someone that I knew personally. De Niro is beyond brilliant.