What we did to take pics: First, we never took video, so maybe you can modify this. The SOP
was to tie off a disposable camera with 550 cord and 100 mph tape. You tie one end of the
550 to the button hole in one of the upper pockets of your BDUs.(Do they still call them that)
and tape/tie off the other end to the camera. Keep the camera in your pocket with the button
buttoned, or even better wait til after your JMPI to puyt the camera in your pocket. Keep it
close so you can waddle over to it, or maybe in your pants or ruck. Once youre on the plane
and you know what stick you are jumping. It's nice to be in the middle of the 2nd stick, the
worst is first jumper first stick cause you have no time to pull out the camera without the
Jumpo Master seeing you. The best pic I saw, my roommate took. He got the guy in front of
him just leaving the platform while you could see his own feet getting ready to jump. As for
video you might be able to adapt this methoid, or you could tell the higher ups that you are
doing a mini-docu and you would like to take some vid of a jump. They Probably wont go for it,
but you never know. A hidden rig might be the way to go. Just remeember to take your
landing into account when you place whatever's recording on your person. You dont want to
do a PLF an crush your equipment. I was an 11c1p Airborne Indirect Fire. (Mortarman) The
cool thing about the Rag Bats. Is the we operated all 3 mortar systems. The 60mm, 81mm,
and 120mm. It was cool but it made for some hellafide road marches. Never deployed in an
active capacity, just training. And thank you for your service. Do you like Alaska? When I went
through RIP, which is the selection proccess to get into &5th Ranger Regiment, if you quit or
got dropped they were sendiong guys to the 105th in Alaske or Vachinsa(ms) Italy. I so
wanted to go to Italy but couldn't quit. But everyone says Alaska is a sweet tour as well.