Goodbye everyone...

IM BACK!!! Almost. Actually im sitting in the dallas/ft. worth USO. Damn 8 hour layovers. But I know you all missed me. I had a great time and passed with flying colors or falling colors i guess. @WHEATGRINDER> It's funny you mentioned Blood on the Risers because we sang that song every day cadence style. The instructor would sing the verse and the formation would sing the chorus. It sounded awesome. Unfortunatley I couldn't get any video because its strictly forbidden.
:) Its part of the culture man suck it up while you can!

Thats one place where the Ruskies have us beat. Every pink commy bastard Iv ever met from the eastern block sings! Most American men are too cool to sing!

Where to now? Or will you have to kill me after you tell me?
Im headed back to alaska. Then afghanistan in late 2011. I can't wait to get home and hug my wife and daughter. my microphone came in the mail so im excited to get home and test it out.
No... I wish. I will try to sneak it on for you guys.

Dude DO NOT do this. I am a graduate from the US army airborne school and belleive me you will be

dropped, fast!! The school itself isnt that hard. The one thing to look out for is a picky blackhat during the

PT test. Some of those guys don't want to count your pull ups. And probably the 5mile standard will be

more like 6 or 7 miles. This is where they get the most drops. Don't mess with the females there. It will only

get you in trouble. Don't know if your famioliar with the Columbus/ Ft. Benning area. If not here you go.

Stay away from Victory Ln.....Period....Other than that your pretty good. Theres a nice bar there north of

town....cant remember the name of it, but they have like 150 kinds of beer. Start at the top of the list and

see how for you can go. :) Finally about the camera thing. if youre in an airborne unit, or plan to be, wait til

then to get the cool pics.....And I speak from exp. Did my service at 3rd Ranger Bat/75th Ranger Reg. @ Ft.

@ WHEATGRINDER> I bought the Audio-Technica ATR6250. I haven't got to play around with it yet as I had the longest flight in the history of man yesterday.

@ MURDOCK> You were wrong and right at the same time. I say this because i was at airborne school in july of 09 and failed the pt test with 41 of 42 push ups and beleive me I can do 42 perfect push ups so i know i was singled out. But thats how they make the class smaller. This time when i went i was in a different company that had a new 1st SGT who claimed that he had made "big changes" for the soldiers. The blackhats had to do everythng to standard no more no less. they weren't alound to call us dirty nasty legs and instead refered to us by airborne. The runs were super easy. 3 to 4 miles at a 9 minute mile pace. they usually only lasted about 36 minutes and conisdering we run like 7 or 8 miles here in alaska its was easy. I do know what you mean though. this time around was totally different and i do believe the 1st sgt had made big changes. As for the going out thing, Im a horrible barracks rat. i never went past the taco johns down the street. The cabs are expensive so my philosophy when i do any school is if you cant walk there then you dont need to go there. about the camera thing. I really want to attach helmet cam to my ACH so I can get a first person view of an exit. Im really curious to see what it looks like considering i black out as soon as i exit. Will I be aloud to do this or will i have to modify my ACH with a hidden camera? What was your mos when you were in and where did you deploy to? Thanks for your service by the way.
What we did to take pics: First, we never took video, so maybe you can modify this. The SOP

was to tie off a disposable camera with 550 cord and 100 mph tape. You tie one end of the

550 to the button hole in one of the upper pockets of your BDUs.(Do they still call them that)

and tape/tie off the other end to the camera. Keep the camera in your pocket with the button

buttoned, or even better wait til after your JMPI to puyt the camera in your pocket. Keep it

close so you can waddle over to it, or maybe in your pants or ruck. Once youre on the plane

and you know what stick you are jumping. It's nice to be in the middle of the 2nd stick, the

worst is first jumper first stick cause you have no time to pull out the camera without the

Jumpo Master seeing you. The best pic I saw, my roommate took. He got the guy in front of

him just leaving the platform while you could see his own feet getting ready to jump. As for

video you might be able to adapt this methoid, or you could tell the higher ups that you are

doing a mini-docu and you would like to take some vid of a jump. They Probably wont go for it,

but you never know. A hidden rig might be the way to go. Just remeember to take your

landing into account when you place whatever's recording on your person. You dont want to

do a PLF an crush your equipment. I was an 11c1p Airborne Indirect Fire. (Mortarman) The

cool thing about the Rag Bats. Is the we operated all 3 mortar systems. The 60mm, 81mm,

and 120mm. It was cool but it made for some hellafide road marches. Never deployed in an

active capacity, just training. And thank you for your service. Do you like Alaska? When I went

through RIP, which is the selection proccess to get into &5th Ranger Regiment, if you quit or

got dropped they were sendiong guys to the 105th in Alaske or Vachinsa(ms) Italy. I so

wanted to go to Italy but couldn't quit. But everyone says Alaska is a sweet tour as well.
sounds like a lot to do. I think im going to go to the local army surplus and pick up a used ACH that i can drill holes in and what not. BDU's (battle dress uniform) was replaced by ACU's(Advanced Combat Uniform) in 2008. now ACU's are being replace by multicam. Jump masters are picking so i think im going to have to be covert when taking videos. When i do get this all set up, i will probably strap the recording device to my chest as that is the only part of my body that hasn't hit the ground so far. Don't you love how the blackhats would call landing the "prepair to land attitude"? They should rename it to the "brace for impact attitude.
Impact is right...I'm 6'1" and was around 230 lbs. while I was in. It was common for us to jump 100+lbs rucks....Man I fell like a bag of dirt.....Stupidest thing I ever saw was a guy have to jump with a stinger missle strapped to him....HAHAH...He was the battalion NBC guy. He just kinda fell out of the door. :) The chest does sound like a good place. You can always roll, unless you jump a MOUT site.
yeah... I weigh 205 pounds and i fall like a bag of hammers but its true if you keep your feet and knees together you don't even have to PLF. I found that out the hard way. my first combat jump i had a hard time lowering my equipment and didn't have time to prepare to land. I slammed into the ground with my feet slightly apart and I thought i had broke my knee. I layed there and rolled around in agony for probably 5 minutes then i got up walked it off a bit, gathered my equipment and ran off the drop zone. Alaska is an awesome duty station by the way.
going away for a bit. i will be here but my typing will be short.