Just thought I'd say hi to the thread as it's active again. I haven't forgotten about this project. I've been doing a storyboard of my 'fiction/narrative' idea, just waiting for the weather to get more consistent to make a trip to the burbs worthwhile (it was in the 70's-90's this last week and then last night we got snow?! I <3 the midwest

I'm also writing out a couple 'interviewee' clips that I think will be fun. One is gonna be a tweenage girl (lol, me in pigtails) in her jammies sitting on a bed with a stuffed animal and talking excitedly about sneaking out with her friends to see the film.
The other will be a cliche beatnik/euro artist/critic type all in black and a beret at first seeming to be the dissenting voice, and then it turns out s/he has actually been singing the films praises. I've been working on my green screen and I plan to use it to just change it to a black background and then I'll can add a spotlight and if all goes to plan, make it look like it might be an empty stage or studio.
I've got another project in the works, but I tend to be more productive when I've got a lot of pots boiling so I hope to get
something related to this up soon
Oh, and uploading-wise. I can host a little less that 2 gigs on my server, so emailing me a file is fine. If not, I'll create an html page and I'll aggregate the links from their various sources.
So if you want to send me a clip to upload, email me at
sammi@sammigirl.com. Please put indietalk clearly in the subject or I may miss it.
Anyone else can just post links here and I'll compile them into one page. Or if we're doing the shared account somewhere, I can get the links from there, too