I'm guessing this thread will still be used for posting clips, maybe if we need ideas, suggestions, whathaveyou. Also, if an HTML is made info on how to upload/download whatever
I had an idea for a scene, either myself or someone who knows people reliable enough for a two min shoot. (BTW, I'm an extreme noob when it comes to screenwriting, if I don't get stuff right, don't kill me

EXT. Neighbourhood sidewalk.
Enter camera person and reporter(Camera POV). They are following "Melanie", a Dolly Girl on greatest film ever.
(Reporter and camera running towards her)
Rep: Melanie! Melaine! A word! (Melanie turns. She has her hair pulled back and has on sunglasses).
Melanie: What do you want? Who are you?
Rep: You worked on the film--
Melanie: Shut up! I'm not saying anything! (Starts to walk away) Reporter follows
Rep: Come on, I need this! You worked on the set of-(Melanie stops)
Melanie: Don't talk to me about that film! They could be anywhere, are you insane.--(she stops, sighs. Speaks in quieter voice) Look, that film is trouble. Do you have any idea how much of an effect it's had?
Rep: Yes, that's why--
Melanie: No you don't! "They" are furious. People are being chased with torches, falling into spiritual fervors, swearing they'll never watch another film again, that nothing will come close to this-(beat) This could end modern film as we know it. To think I had a hand in--(they are interrupted by a squealing of tires. The camera swings and catches a black car stopping across the road, two people in black get out, wearing sunglasses.
#1: We warned you!
Melanie: Oh god, no! No, I didn't mean it! (#2 covers the camera, telling him to get the hell out here general chaos. The camera thuds to the ground in the scuffle, we hear thumping as the reporter gets beat)
Melanie:The world will know! The world will know! (The camera i picked up in time to shoot her saying this as the two drag Melanie into the car and roar off down the road.
Reporter: My god! What...what horrors! What savagery! This is incredible! I....what have we become?! I....horrors... (We hear choked "sobs") I can't believe what we just saw.......(to camera person, changing to enthuisastic businesslike voice) Did we get that?
Camera: Yep, got it all.
Rep: Good stuff. You hungry?
Camera: yea, a burger would be good. You're buying.
Rep: Aw, man, I bought last time.
(footage cuts)
Just an idea, but can be played with.....yes? No?