Are you going ok down there? I've been hearing that the supermarkets down there have been stripped bear once again.
We’re coping okay.. I’ve been able to pick up a little bit of work I can do from home which is nice to have a bit of money coming in.
We’ve been ordering shopping online so that we don’t have to venture to the shops often (and based on how busy the post office was when I went last week it appears many people are using the shops as a good way to get out of the house...), and haven’t had too much issue with getting anything delivered which is good; it is pretty much a matter of getting what you
need rather than necessarily what you
want but we’re generally able to get most of the things we need. Thankfully the shortages so far appear to be manifesting in things like taco sauce and lemons, rather than toilet paper.
There’s an overall sense of claustrophobia and hopelessness to some extent - that even if I wanted to get out of Melbourne or Australia I’m not able to and that we may not be back to anything even remotely normal before the end of the year... so it’s kinda strange but I find if I don’t pay too much attention to the media it’s much easier!
Though I will say it gets a bit boring - the Nintendo switch has been the best purchase!!
Jax, I have absolutely no argument with that whatsoever... except that there is zero accountability and zero verification other than claimants making a pinkie promise that they're stay home. And the second wave wasn't so much people needing to work, it was 50,000 people claiming their civil rights were violated by having to wear masks on our Southern California beaches or at block parties or concerts. BTW, the beaches are open for "active use" only... "passive use' is still prohibited. In case those terms confuse you (like they did me), passive use means laying a towel out and reading a book, getting some sun, watching the kids build sand castles. Sorry, you can't do that.
I hear you - people doing the absolute wrong thing have been disastrous for us, and our government’s slowness to act - and the confusion around restrictions - hasn’t helped.
We now have military and police door-knocking positive cases to ensure they’re home and $5k fines for people who aren’t isolating - appears to be the same kind of people who do the wrong thing are also the type to complain about public health measures designed to stop those doing the wrong thing...
I’ve said right from the start if nothing else, this will be a fascinating study of human nature that will be talked about for decades to come.