It looks like they're NOT getting asked and IF they are? People don't want to say:I don't think he was lying - saying something he knew to be false. I think
we was telling us what the science was saying. But he hasn't been in the
public eye so he was unprepared for the excoriating he got. He liked being
invited to speak on the news shows so he backed off from the science a bit
to be more accepted. Wearing a mask certainly doesn't hurt so it's not a
lie to suggest people wear a mask at all times.
While I'm on the subject...
How are people being infected?
We see the numbers of new infections daily. But we are not being told how.
Is it passive contact? For example; I'm infected and I'm walking my dog without
a mask. You walk past me wearing a mask. Assuming I don't sneeze or cough
as we pass can I infect you during those few seconds we pass outside on the street?
What about the same scenario in a store? I'm infected and not wearing a mask – you
pass me in the canned good isle. Assuming I don't sneeze or cough as we pass can
I infect you? What if we both are not wearing a mask? Can you get the virus from me
by passing me in a supermarket isle?
Here in California our governor has mandated those in church cannot sing or chant.
I wonder how many people in California have contracted the virus in a church that
allowed singing.
These are, I think, legit questions. I would love to know the science of transmission
of this virus. Not what is possible but exactly how people who got the virus got the virus.
COVID-19: Contact tracing fears, rumors vs. how it really happens
If all that is true? Why not some kind of an anonymous contract tracing website so people can stay anonymous? There's got to be a way to do that.
Then there's this:
How to Get People to Actually Use Contact-Tracing Apps
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