Granted but now you have nothing to look forward to.
I wish Steve Carell hadn't left The Office.
Granted but he has no speaking parts.
I wish my life had a musical score that would play in everyones head that looked at me.
Granted but now you have nothing to look forward to.
I wish Steve Carell hadn't left The Office.
Granted but he has no speaking parts.
I wish my life had a musical score that would play in everyones head that looked at me.
Ooh, good one.
Granted but it's composed solely by "electronic composers."
I wish i wasn't an insomniac.
Granted, but you have a permanent cold sore on your lip.
I wish I could speak constantly but say nothing, like politicians.
I wish I was an Autobot.
Granted, you're here in Texas where it's been well over 100*F for over 50 days straight. I think 108 today.
I wish I had telepathy.
granted but you only film scat porn
i wish i had Adriana Lima
lol can't wait to kiss that
Granted but its comes with Tim Curry and his accent
I wish I could stretch my body parts
lol this is fun...nothing its just funny
Granted but gain weight every time
I wish I was related to Harrison Ford
Granted but they only benefit Kim Jong Ill in North Korea.
I wish I had a million wishes.
Granted, but none come true.
I wish for dolphins to sink japanese fishing boats.
Granted, but none come true.
I wish for dolphins to sink japanese fishing boats.
Granted, but you're stuck in the middle of the sea on an american fishing boat
the dolphins can't tell the difference
I wish I had my own bio pic with Jeff Bridges staring
Granted, but retaliation from fishermen cause a war which leads to you being drafted by the US military and eventual death by a giraffe stampede in now communist Japan.
I wish I had a bigger brain.
Granted, too bad you dont have a bigger skull.
I wish William Wallace really could shoot fire balls from his arse.