Granted but then you get raped by Perez hilton
I wish bras were never invented
I wish bras were never invented
Granted but then you get raped by Perez hilton
I wish bras were never invented
Granted, your new job is to keep your Grandma's boobs from dragging under her feet.
I wish I could change reality using just my thoughts, including but not limited to undoing the corruption of the wish.
Granted, your new job is to keep your Grandma's boobs from dragging under her feet.
I wish I could change reality using just my thoughts, including but not limited to undoing the corruption of the wish.
Granted, but this happens to you.]
which leads to your inevitable death.
I wish I had more muscle on my body.
Granted, but its shaped like a penus, and is situated on your forehead.
I wish healthy food tasted like junk food.
Granted, but it's infested with heroin addicted prostitutes, three warring gangs, and cockroaches.I wish I owned a huge building.
Granted, but it's infested with heroin addicted prostitutes, three warring gangs, and cockroaches.
I wish all stupid people were nice.
That started off just perfect.Granted, but it's infested with heroin addicted prostitutes, three warring gangs, and cockroaches.
Granted, but now Nice has the stupidest infrastucture in the world.
I wish mongooses/mongi were 6 feet tall.
Granted, but it's at the aforementioned building infested with heroin addicted prostitutes et al.Granted, but you're only 5 inches tall and th mongooses favourite snack.
I wish I was taller, I wish I was a baller....
Granted, but it's at the aforementioned building infested with heroin addicted prostitutes et al.
I wish for whirrled peas.