Granted but he serves you the same dish every night. (dick joke)
I wish I had 100 wives.
Granted. Just as you want it. There's no up side here.

I wish I had a 12 inch pianist
Granted but he serves you the same dish every night. (dick joke)
I wish I had 100 wives.
Granted but ur impotent.
I wish i was omnipotent.
Granted, but you're not in Utah, you're in Texas serving 10 to life.
I wish I could fly like dragons in a land apart.
Granted, but youre Puff the disney dragon.
I wish I had nude vision
Granted. You're marooned on an island.
I wish i had an island.
Granted, but youre not allowed to visit it.
I wish I could be werewolf
Granted but u look like Benicio Del Toro.
I wish i could skydive without a parachute.
Granted, straight in to the ground
I wish I own the patent for the quartz movement
Granted, but a loophole causes you to owe money for every clock invented.
I wish I was the tallest man alive.
Granted but you have no legs.
I wish I was a samurai
Granted but you have no sword.
I wish i had Novia Scotia.
Granted, but you get amnesia and forget.
I wish I my arm was a gun.
Granted but then you die in a vat of molten metal ala T2.
I wish i was fat.
Granted but the sudden gain in weight kills you. (via heart attack.)
I wish I had a time machine.
Granted but it cant go past tomorrow or before yesterday.
I wish i had six fingers on each hand.
Hahah. You're obsessed.
Granted but no one is around to listen.
I wish i could stop playing this game.
Granted, but now you must be serious about it.
I wish for world peace