
I highly recommend seeing this film!!!


If you love Hitchcockian suspense, or if you've ever even heard the word Hitchcockian, go see it. Ryan Reynolds gives a career performance as a man who wakes up in a coffin. The entire 90 minute film takes place in the enclosed space, and you will be on the edge of your seat the entire time.

But more importantly, this film can serve as a lesson to all writers and filmmakers:

Story is king!

You can make an engaging film set entirely in a wooden box if you have a great story.
My reviewer friend told me that this movie is very good. Can't wait to check it out, especially since I really enjoyed PHONE BOOTH.
Mmm, Ryan Reynolds...
Scott and I were going to go see this last night, but we decided to pull out the old playstation and get our Mortal Kombat 3 on instead.
I still want to see it though. Because it sounds good. Nothing to do with wanting to watch Ryan Reynolds writhe and sweat and grunt for an hour and a half ;)
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I'm really looking forward to this one. I'm sick of having to wait until movies like this might maybe come to Richmond.

I used to live in Waco which is almost exactly in between Dallas and Austin (about an hour and a half both ways). I remember driving to Austin to see RUSHMORE, MEMENTO, and ORGAZMO and Dallas to see THE LIMEY, REQUIEM FOR A DREAM, and DOGMA, as well as many others. Have you ever thought of driving to DC just to see a film?
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I used to live in Waco which is almost exactly in between Dallas and Austin (about an hour and a half both ways). I remember driving to Austin to see RUSHMORE, MEMENTO, and ORGAZMO and Dallas to see THE LIMEY and DOGMA, as well as many others. Have you ever thought of driving to DC just to see a film?

Uhhhhhhh, the state of Virginia has decided that I'm not fit to drive, until I pay them the ridiculous amounts of money I owe them. D'oh!

We've got a Chinatown bus that's quite cheap (and quick), but I ain't taking that to see a movie. I have been planning a combined trip to DC to spend an entire day in the Smithsonian Human Origins exhibit (forget the rest of the Natural History Museum, as awesome as it is), followed by an IMAX viewing of you know what.