bill murray

i recently saw zombieland and enjoyed the cameo by bill murray so much, it really got me thinking about how many films he's done and reminded me just how fantastic he is. so name your favorite bill murray movie, whether it's his silliness in STRIPES or his dark comedic timing in RUSHMORE.

also love love love WHAT ABOUT BOB!!
hmmmm, probably Ed Wood and Groundhog Day (cheezy, but childhood)... but he pretty much rocks up everything he's in.

Oh, and SNL, he's one of my all time favorites
I'm kind of a Bill Murray fanatic, so I always have a top five running in my nerd-addled brain:

1.) The Life Aquatic
2.) Quick Change
3.) Lost in Translation
4.) Ghostbusters
5.) The Razor's Edge
Bill Murray is very rare in that he basically plays the same character (deadpan, pouty, funny... himself really) and pulls it off. You believe each character, unlike other actors like De Niro where the character becomes tired. Actually De Niro took that even further and became a caricature of himself in the comedies. The Analyze This character was just basically the way he was spoofed on SNL. So he knows gangster, and a bad De Niro impression. Wait... did I just say Murray is better than De Niro? :lol: Imagine that.

Bill Murray is also very indie friendly.

You have to wonder if he writes some of his own dialog. It is delivered so well, and it is so Bill Murray.
You have to wonder if he writes some of his own dialog. It is delivered so well, and it is so Bill Murray.

Agreed. i'm sure his early stuff was a little more scripted, but he made it his own nonetheless, and film producers/directors started to realize whatever comes out of his mouth will work just fine. i mean, its billy murray! haha love him. he's incredible, and you're right, he can pull off that same general behavior in every role he does. genuis.
"Egon, your mucus."

"People eat blood sausage, too. People are morons."

"The amazing thing about this is that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on the stuff."
Gotta love Bill Murray. What About Bob is absolutely fantastic!

Apparently a bit of Groundhog's Day was filmed in Woodstock, IL, which is the next town over from where my grandparents live. So I have lots of wonderful childhood memories of the cobblestone streets and eating at the restaurant where they kept having breakfast over and over in the movie. There were all these signed celebrity pictures on the walls(mainly from groundhog's day), and it really excited the whole film making in my child-mind.

On a side note, I really hated Lost in Translation. Maybe it was just lost on me. I couldn't enjoy it. And the only thing I can think of why is that it was 'too real.' Not only did nothing happen but the feeling of the boringness of real life was extremely emphasized, IMHO, but the complete and utter lack of a soundtrack. Look back, the only music in the film is music within the scene, such as when they are karaoke-ing.

But that's really the only film Bill Murray was in that I think was "bad." Even Stripes had it's moments, and Caddy Shack has it's audience, those just aren't my cup-o-tea.
wth with garfeild though
Have you seen Zombieland? All is forgiven.

There's still Charlie's Angels, though...

Lost in Translation is a pretty powerful performance. Unfortunately, it's not Bill Murray at his best, so I'm going to have to be lame and say Ghost Busters. The movie is just too perfect.

I haven't heard of Quick Change before, though. I'll be watching that soon.