With this technology, there will be SO MANY INDIE FILMS that the market will be floodded 10x, 50x, maybe even 500x worse than it is right now.
Gosh I hope so. Could it be filmmaking is about to no longer be a pie in the sky pipedream for a lot more people? Awesome. And hopefully competing tools would be developed besides Sora, with fewer restrictionsβby competitors who don't look over your shoulder and police what content you may and may not include in your masterpiece.
Will it mean tools to allow me to do 3D modeling without spending years struggling to learn Blender or Maya etc (unlikely)? Awesome.
Will it mean working with AI to shape a musical score for my film and get it just so when I myself couldn't read or write music to save my life? Awesome.
It's easy to imagine ever more refined tools to shape the product to fix mistakes or to shape it to your hearts desireβeliminating the problem of too many paws, or whatever. Edit and reedit, shape and mold, to your heart's desire. Why not? Maybe that's coming. And maybe it will never be that convenient. Maybe they'll make it cost prohibitive. Time will tell.
Giving Indietalk the ability to make a far-out music video beyond his wildest practical dreams sounds awesome.
Maybe you'd never get the kind of
real or nuanced performances from AI acting you can get from human actorsβmuch less the
experience of working with real people. Then again, I can imagine advanced AI tools allowing you to edit and shape AI performances until you get pretty much what you want...in as excruciating detail as you will. But just as with traditional and current animated films, I don't see why you couldn't have human actors do the acting part for you. Or, you could shoot a hybrid like they already do today, but hopefully without the 200 million dollar budget etc. And, if you want to make live action dramas with no need for special effects, AI created or otherwise, then awesome.
Might we be on the cusp of your being able, with a PC and a software subscription, to make a AAA or AA space opera spectacular all on your own, well, with lots of help from an AI friend? Totally awesome.
I just watched
He Dreams of Giants. What help might have such AI tools been to Terry Gilliam to achieve his Don Quixote dream in spite of such a sadly inadequate budget and all the real world troubles that befell him?