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  1. All-Star Productions

    My Newest Screenplay

    Hey everyone! I wrote a screenplay for a project I plan on submitting to festivals. If it's not a big hassle, could I get some notes? Or your thoughts on it? Premise: "The Influencer" is a comedy about a wannabe...
  2. All-Star Productions

    The DC Cinematic Universe

    Let's all have a moment of silence for the DC Cinematic universe, the people in charge of it clearly have no idea what they're doing. Zack Snyder is not a good director; his stories are far too dark and depressing, and don't really make sense most of the time. The characters don't act like...
  3. All-Star Productions

    cinematography Mini DV- Still Relevant?

    I am thinking of buying a Sony HVR-Z7u, which records on Mini-DV. My question is- is Mini DV a platform that is still used professionally? Right now I use a DSLR (Canon T3i) but I've been aching to get a camcorder instead of a DSLR for film. Any thoughts on that? Is this silly of me to get an...
  4. All-Star Productions

    shooting-film Super 8 Development

    Does anyone know a good website or service to send Super 8 into and have it developed and digitized? I've heard some places will do that for you.
  5. All-Star Productions

    archived-videos My First Commercial

    Who wants to see my first commercial? Pretty good for a high schooler, or nah? Filmed on a Canon T3i
  6. All-Star Productions

    YOUR Favorite Camera?

    So I've asked before about what the next step up from my DSLR was and most people responded with "A better DSLR" Now I've got a more general question, what camera maker do you like the most? Is it Canon? Nikon? Blackmagic? Also, what model is your primary model? I'm loyal to my Rebel T3i...
  7. All-Star Productions

    Making a Film on Vacation

    Normally in not one to beg for plot ideas BUT.. I'm on a family vacation in Florida, and after watching better call Saul and being inspired by the cinematography, I want to make a short film while I can. The problem is that all of the people I'd use as actors and most of my equipment is at...
  8. All-Star Productions

    YouTube VS Vimeo

    I feel like Vimeo has only promising short films, while YouTube is filed with your little cousin's friend's blowing up an ant hill with a fire cracker type videos. Anyone else see this? Or does Vimeo have it's fair share of weirdness I just never see.
  9. All-Star Productions


    Hey guys, Does anyone know how to make a brand official? Like a production company? I usually go by my fake company "All-Star Studios" but I really don't want to be sued.. Also, anyone think it's a problem that All-Star Studios abbreviates to ASS? Thanks
  10. All-Star Productions

    Reaching Out To Businesses

    Hey guys, As you may have remembered, a few months ago I was talking about directing a commercial in high school. So far, I have a business that I agreed to work for in exchange for shirts printed with my production studio on the front, basically they get a commercial, I get a started...
  11. All-Star Productions

    Re-Using a Popular Film Name

    So, I'm writing the script for my first feature, and I want it to be serious, it's a comedy but I want it to be taken seriously as a comedy, if that makes sense. It's a film about rowing, and in Buffalo, the big rowing club is called the West Side Rowing Club. So I figured I'd call the film...
  12. All-Star Productions

    Going Rate for an Unprofessional

    Hey guys, SO I've picked up a few mom and pop shops that want me to direct commercials for them, and we're about to discuss financials. As someone who has never made a commercial before, should I work for free on the first few commercials, and then start charging after I build up experience...
  13. All-Star Productions

    Directing a Commercial- In High School

    Hey guys, quick question. Has anyone ever heard of someone directing a legitimate commercial in High School? I'd love to have an actual, aired commercial under my resume, but with an over saturated market, I'm fearful that I might come off as sounding silly. I was thinking of just asking a...
  14. All-Star Productions

    Next Step Above a DSLR

    Hey guys, excuse me if this has been asked before, but I'm looking to get a slightly more professional camera. I've heard on almost every thread about equipment that "what really matters is the person behind the camera, not the camera" but I'm still curious what the next best camera is to get...
  15. All-Star Productions

    One-Man Film

    Oh geez, I hope this is the right forum for this question, but considering this is my first thread, I'm guessing I can count as a newbie :P Anyway, on to my question. Does anyone have any ideas for a one-man film? Or any films they'd like to share where they only had themselves, a camera, and...