Making a Film on Vacation

Normally in not one to beg for plot ideas BUT..

I'm on a family vacation in Florida, and after watching better call Saul and being inspired by the cinematography, I want to make a short film while I can. The problem is that all of the people I'd use as actors and most of my equipment is at home.

So does anyone have any ideas for a short film I can make with just a tripod, a DSLR, and a mic? I had the idea of a kid who lives in paradise and is bored, so he decides to explore, but I can't really expand on it. Any ideas a re greatly appreciated!
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Maybe you could do a (funny?) sort of travel doco, where you go around and film all the sights; the tourist attractions, the trendy hot-spots, the people, the scenery, etc. Then you could add a voice over later where you just make up random facts and say whatever you want about the footage, sort of like a visitors guide to Florida.

Or the boy who is bored could be good too. Does that mean you have at least one actor to work with? More than one? If so that certainly gives you a bit more room to tell a story.

Perhaps the boy was bored and so went for a walk around town, and then can't remember where it was he was staying, or when he gets back there it has turned into something else, like a restaurant or a bookstore or a Laundromat. Or maybe this kid goes to sleep in Buffalo (you could film some extra footage when you get back) and for some reason wakes up in Florida.

What exactly have you got to work with; in terms of actors and locations and things like that?