Reaching Out To Businesses

Hey guys,

As you may have remembered, a few months ago I was talking about directing a commercial in high school. So far, I have a business that I agreed to work for in exchange for shirts printed with my production studio on the front, basically they get a commercial, I get a started portfolio and t-shirts.

Now, moving forward, I need to find a new way to get businesses interested. With the first business, I already knew the owner, I already used his business to print several shirts, and he was basically doing me a favor.

But now, should I just walk into mom and pop shops and offer my services? Should I leave voice mails with offers, or email them?

I'd love to start turning a profit so I can upgrade from my T3i to something like a Blackmagic URSA or Cinema (and calm down before you go on a rant about how equipment doesn't matter, I've heard it before), and the first step is bringing in more "clients" if you will.

Any reply appreciated, thanks for the read.
You need to show potential clients a QUALITY product - "I did it for them, I can do it for you."

Otherwise they are just hiring you out of charity (let's do the HS kid a favor), or they want to pay so little money that it's probably not worth your while, as those types of clients seem to expect an awful lot for their minimal budget.