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  1. spinner

    editing How do I move my FCP project to my external hard drive?

    Hi all! I am in need once again of advice from the IT forum :D I have about 300Gb of projects on the hard drive of my computer. All projects were edited in Final Cut Pro 6. The situation is, however, that I have computer programs that I would like to have on my internal hard drive, instead of...
  2. spinner

    Virtual Machines

    Hi All! I have recently decided to go back to school and get some computer training. I will be taking some web design classes eventually but I am starting off with HTML classes. The classes are set up for Windows. Which brings me to my issue: I have a iMac, but it has been recommended that...
  3. spinner

    editing Free plugins from Noise Industries

    Hi all!:hi: Has anyone had any experience with the free plugins downloads from Noise Industries? I downloaded what I thought was the free downloads about a year ago. Now that I would like to use the plugins, everything has a watermark on it. These are supposed to be the free ones. I thought...
  4. spinner

    editing Why is this glitching?

    I have a little project where I need a simple page peel. I will be taking a picture and having it turn like a page. I know how to make the effect happen, however.... Just before the effect happens, there is a glitch that makes the picture smaller for a second, then the effect happens. How do I...
  5. spinner

    I need advice for YouTube

    I am going to finally be putting my work online. I think it will hopefully help bring me some more permanent work and also serve as my resume reel. I am looking at YouTube. It may have a lot of crap, but it seems to be stable, easier to use and send links to people. My issue with Vimeo is that...
  6. spinner

    A video camera question

    Does anyone know of an actual video camera that has the capabilities of the 7D's? I will be editing a film short in March and I saw some of the footage from the 7D camera they were using. The footage is great. I still prefer to use a video camera if I were the one shooting. Does anyone...
  7. spinner

    Animation: where to start

    Hey, everybody! I have a young friend who will be graduating in about a year. She is trying to figure out what to do with a degree in Communications and Cinematic Study in Detroit. We all know everyone loves p.a.'s and interns, so I suggested doing that to get a foot in the door. However, she...
  8. spinner

    External Hard Drives: USB or Firewire

    I was given today a terrabyte sized external hard drive. It is made for mac, but it is USB. I am used to Firewire or the I/EEE version of Firewire. Is there a difference in USB and Firewire? Am I okay or do I have to expect anything different because the external is USB? I got this as payment...
  9. spinner

    editing Timeline rendering in FCP

    I know I have seen people's posts about this, but it has been a loooooonnnngggg time since I've seen this addressed, soooo... In FCP, there are times when you are dragging your clips to the timeline and they have to be rendered before you even do anything to the clip. I know that Final Cut Pro...
  10. spinner

    editing Cropping in Apple Motion

    Hey! Does anyone know where the crop tool is in Apple Motion? I've got a picture that I would like to clean up :) -- spinner :cool: EDIT: nevermind, found it!
  11. spinner

    Who do you think has "style"?

    I have done a number of documentary films and I think my approach is pretty good. I research, organize, write out good questions, shoot and edit my projects and I think I tell a good story. However, I feel that I don't really have a "style" when it comes to making my films visually interesting...
  12. spinner

    Short scary movies!

    Around Halloween I like to sometimes tell people about short films that are Halloween-ish or scary. The last two years I suggested "Vincent", one of Tim Burton's first films. It isn't scary, it is cute. But it has a Halloween theme. I need some more. Anyone have any suggestions? (I tend to...
  13. spinner

    archived-videos Zombie Commercial

    Okay, here is the final product of the commercial that aired Sunday. I got to edit. Like I was saying, I was pretty nervous about what I couldn't fix, but I think it's a nice little spot for my first time out. -- spinner :cool:
  14. spinner

    "Just fix it in post..."

    I am a new editor. I'm not the greatest editor known to man, but I want to get better and I am trying to improve my skills. (I do want to try to be the greatest editor :D) That being said... If I hear one more person on a no-budget indie production say: "Oh, we can just fix it in post," I...
  15. spinner

    editing What? Is a ISCII code???

    Hello, All! I just edited a 30 second spot for a comic book store and I need to give him a copy so it can be aired. The cable station is asking for a ISCII code. I have no idea what that is or how to provide it. I am editing in FCP and I know that sometimes there may be settings for things...
  16. spinner

    editing What is the best way to deliver a video project?

    I have been just committing projects to dvd but I have a brief project where I want to do the project and put it on a disk so that they can upload it. I was thinking that maybe I might need to export it differently so I could put it on the disk so they could just drag it onto their desktop and...
  17. spinner

    Importing footage from a 5D/7D to FCP

    Hi, guys! I have a couple of questions about importing footage from a 5D or 7D camera. If the footage is on a disc, how do you go about importing to FCP? I understand using firewire, but since there is a disc, can I import directly from the camera? Can I use firewire or do I have to use USB...
  18. spinner

    Motion 5

    There has been so much said about FCPX. Most of what I've heard has been negative. There is a thread about it on IT that I intend to go and read (100 posts! Sheez!) However, I haven't heard anything about Motion 5. This program is actually in my price range. The problem is: do I buy it. Hey...
  19. spinner

    editing Another FCP Export Question...

    I have some footage that needs to be uploaded for 'client'. I was told I could shoot standard digital footage, just make sure I shot in 16:9 letterbox. I imported my footage and began to export it, but the footage of the interview looks 'squashed'. I'm not sure what I might have done...
  20. spinner

    editing Motion question from newbie!

    I've been teaching myself Apple Motion from the absolute ground up, open manual and do lessons for the last couple of weeks :D I just finished the lesson on 'baking' your composite project and according to the manual, I am doing the lesson correctly, but the problem is that the composite will...