Recent content by JakeSully

  1. JakeSully

    Awesome editing contest.

  2. JakeSully

    48 Hour Guerilla Film Contest

    Is anyone entering 48GFC? I have never entered a contest with an entry fee, but I have done 48hr contests before. It's fun and all, but having to pay $75 for entry is a bit steep for me. This contest is held every year, is it any good/fair? Has anyone entered a previous installment?
  3. JakeSully

    Recommend me some VIDEO projects

    brb making a video about the bald eagle sex industry by pimpin' druglords.
  4. JakeSully

    Greenscreen And Virtual Reality Sets

    I don't even-- No, I-- No, don't. Don't even think about it. Write the idea on paper and burn it. Then snort the ashes and go to rehab. Seriously now, don't even try to do that. Good work in the CGI department takes time. Lots and lots of time, and most of the time expensive software and...
  5. JakeSully

    Digital Bolex - 2K Raw at $2500

    Ten bucks say that at least %70 of the amount rised came from hipsters.
  6. JakeSully

    Weapons In The Woods?

    Nothing too see here, just a double post, carry on.
  7. JakeSully

    Weapons In The Woods?

    Weapons as in guns? Give more info as in why are we in the forest (was there a zombie uprising? escaping war? camping trip gone wrong cause-my-friend-is-a-killer-wise?) Huge crate of gun's and ammo with a parachute. The guns are old, the wooden crate is broken and has moss growing, and the...
  8. JakeSully

    Who is planning on doing Script Frenzy?

    Yeah, I'm in.
  9. JakeSully

    I'm looking for a spaceship designer.

    Do you need someone to design them, or to make them?
  10. JakeSully

    Guilty (filmmaking) pleasures.

    I try to get some inside knowledge about some subject that fits. ie, I try to get a couple of drug dealers talking about the correct way to cut cocaine, a guy explaining why he likes the burgers at a certain place so much (talking about the way the meat is cooked, or the cows butchered)... that...
  11. JakeSully

    Using a pseudonym

    Hi, I'm Pepe Francisco, and I have this sausage pizza to deliver, bella siniora.
  12. JakeSully

    Favourite Credit & Title Sequences

    This is amazing...
  13. JakeSully

    Easy-Medium Special FX monsters

    First rule of AE VFX, you do not use demon face. The second rule of AE VFX, YOU DO NOT USE DEMON FACE. Try to use as many practical elements as you can, rely on AE for slight tweaks, not the inclusion of actual elements.
  14. JakeSully

    Using a pseudonym

    That is. The. Best. Thing. Ever. I cannot tell you how many times I've been writting something and go stuck on naming my characters. Seriously, I just go with John Placeholder and Jane Placeholder. imnotevenkidding I will use that. I will you the hell out of that.
  15. JakeSully

    Title at end of short film?

    The only reason to have your titile at the end is if it's some sort of punchline to the short (the title has (at first) no relation to the actual story until a certain event at the end) or you want to use the clip as an intro (like zombieland, with all the slow mo awesomness, the title, then the...