Greenscreen And Virtual Reality Sets

I'm thinking if funding for IC3 becomes very low budget to use virtual reality sets and shoot in greenscreen.

There was a cable TV series made this way a few years ago. But, it didn't even last one season. I just cannot remember the title. It ended up on YT under science fiction series and it was free to watch. I think it was called THE GENESIS PROJECT.

If push comes to shove where I don't get IC2 picked up by a cable TV network or find a private investor, I may consider this route. for IC3 But, then again, I just may call it quits.
Quality digital sets can cost more than a practical set. It just depends on the scale of it all.

If I was doing budget sci-fi, I'd spend my free time painting cardboard, styrofoam and plywood and spend 6 months turning my garage into a spaceship (or other similar, small set), then write the majority of the script for that set. All 3D is time consuming, good 3D is expensive and bad 3D is horrible. Especially in a virtual set, where you're supposed to be able to move the camera to any angle and add movement and account for your camera's sensor size and DOF. You need a vast, well lit green screen and motion markers set at varying lengths as well, then you have to consider lighting. You practical lights need to match virtual lights and vice-versa.

Whatever you do, good luck man.
Thanks Paul.

I was talking to my crew about expenses. What I spent to rent a greenscreen studio, I could have spent to build a spaceship interior set instead as well as paid for other sets.

In the future, I'm hoping we can find a warehouse or a derilect building we can make our own greenscreen room for a whole lot less. Tape Tube actually sells the paints and tape.

Reale Estate is just too expensive for people with very few pennies.

A spaceship interior set would have been more convincing than going the VR route. I can't afford a Hollywood version. I wish Apple can send a donation from all of that excess cash they found lying around.
I don't even--
No, I--
No, don't. Don't even think about it. Write the idea on paper and burn it. Then snort the ashes and go to rehab.

Seriously now, don't even try to do that. Good work in the CGI department takes time. Lots and lots of time, and most of the time expensive software and training. Creating something even REMOTELY realistic will be costly. Not to mention tracking (a double expense, both while filming (special greenscreen and tracking markers, or even something to track camera movement on real time) and in post), rendering and compositioning.

Doing a feature lenght film this way will be costly, way more costly that doing it on location.

If I absolutely, positevlely had to do soemthing like this, I would try to use random locations and work my way around them with matte painting, and it will still not be an easy task.

There is a reason for Hollywood pros building sets/half sets, using green screen to fill in backgrounds or parts of the location that do not interact with the talent. And before someone mentions Sin City, there where a lot of built sets, they where just green, and then replaced. And even then, if they had gone for a realistic style instead of the over-stilized one, they probably wouldn't have been able to pull it off, or at least not with the same budget/time frame.
Okay, no mentioning Sin City.

Instead I'll mention Sanctuary. Specifically, the webseries that aired before the syfy series (though the first season had mostly virtual sets). Dig it up, take a look. Now, the important question is: does that visual style appeal to you?

And, of course, you'll need AWESOME people doing set design, modeling, etc for you. As it stands, it can be done, has been done, but it's a distinct color.
The BTS has the short that was created to raise the funding... it was really cool looking IMHO. I liked the film too, didn't mind the look of it, although I would have liked the perspective to be more realistic.
Theres a studio somewhere that has a nice spaceship set that you can rent...... Ill have to dig it up. has a virtual space ship interior DVD set available for cheap.
I have 2 science fiction DVD sets coming in from Tape Tube. Not sure I saw a spaceship in either. But, there are outer space and alien landscapes in one and VR science fiction interiors in the other.

If you could dig up the studio, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
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VR set