
So, yesterday was Joss Whedon's birthday, and there was a social network "campaign" to watch the show Firefly. I've always been a big fan of Whedon's work, and had a few friends over to watch Firefly last night. I was wondering if there were any other Whedon fans here, or even how non-fans react to his work.
HUGE Whedon fan, though I wasn't always. Watched some of Buffy when it first aired, and didn't care for it. Years went by, missed Firefly (a space western by the guy who did Buffy?) until I saw a trailer for Serenity. It looked cool, so I thought, what the hell, I'll give it a chance. Couldn't stop re-watching it; it hooked me right from the beginning. My girlfriend was a huge Buffy fan, so I thought I'd give it another chance. The first season (and a half) I still wasn't crazy about it, but saw enough of the elements of what I liked about Firefly to keep watching. After watching the second season, I went out the next week and bough the rest of the series, and all of Angel.

Firefly is still my favorite, but I have kept up with his work. Loved Dr. Horrible and Dollhouse (which did suffer from an uncomfortable premise...and it was SUPPOSED to be uncomfortable, so that alienated potential audiences). I've been following the Buffy comics (season 8 just ended, and season 9 starts soon!) 90% of why I'm going to watch Avengers is Joss Whedon (love comics, but not crazy about superheros).

I am a big dork. I know this and I am comfortable with the fact. ;-)
I stinkin love FireFly.

Not a big fan of Buffy or Dollhouse though. Never really could get into them.

But wow, yeah FireFly is fantastic haha.
Firefly / Serenity was great. Loved it. Haven't watched any other Whedon work, though. I keep hearing good things about the Buffy series, so I may have to give that a try eventually.
Firefly was brilliant. Pity it got cancelled.

Serenity was pretty terrible overall, but it was kinda cool to see things wrapped up at least.
I met Joss in 2002 at San Diego Comic-Con in the green room. At the time, they let the filmmakers from the Comic-Con Film Festival in the same room with the heavy hitters.

I fell in love with Firefly AFTER it was canceled. What a killer show. It was the anti-Star Trek. He showed someone peeing in a toilet in the pilot episode as a nod to how there has never been a bathroom in any of the Star Trek movies or shows. Everyone is fighting, no one gets along. The government is bad, people are poor, nothing works, there's no sound in space.

Joss literally made a list of what he didn't like about Star Trek and made them the premise of FIREFLY/SERENITY.

I liked SERENITY, but it was flawed. I hated being re-introduced to characters I already knew well, for the 3rd time since they made 2 pilot episodes of FIREFLY.

I'm currently reading:
HUGE Joss/Firefly/Serenity fan here! I got into the show after it was cancelled (I remember seeing previews for it back when Buffy was on TV, but Fox completely mis-marketed it, so the preview didn't make it look very interesting). I still watch it on a regular basis, despite the fact that I've memorized most of the lines in most of the shows. Hmmm, thinking I might re-watch Serenity tonight...
Not to turn this into a Star Trek thread but i love TOS more than Firefly. It was quite forward thinking and told stories that still applied to us by means of using old philosophical concepts set in the future.

No reason we can't talk about both! Personally, I was never a fan of TOS or TNG, but I absolutely loved DS9. Great, great stuff. I do appreciate how progressive TOS was at the time, and it definitely paved the way for a lot of sci-fi to come.
FireFly and Star Trek were both great in their own right.

Josh Weiden focused on one imperfect world and Gene Rodenberry focussed on many different What If's throughout history with the ficticious worlds the star shiip Enterprised explored as well as variations of science and technology.

Star Trek was ahead of it's time where women held higher roles of importance in the world and racial intergration. Lt. Ohura was a communications officer when in the real world when the series was being filmed, no one gave much thought to women officers.

Young people of today really aren't familiar with how Star Trek helped to make the world a better place only because the world Star Trek showed us has become our everyday way of life. Star Trek became part of the cultural revolution.
Okay, it's been nearly 50 years since Star Trek the original series...

There is a context, but it really does seem ridiculous with a fight scene like this
And if you make fight scenes look realistic on free TV, the anti-violence groups boycott the network who airs it.

That's why Kung Fu did its action scenes in slow motion. The anti-violent group blasted the Incredible Hulk series for making its violence too realistic.

During the 1960s, religious groups and antiviolent groups concerned networks even more than they do these days.
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Okay, it's been nearly 50 years since Star Trek the original series...

There is a context, but it really does seem ridiculous with a fight scene like this

Are you kidding me? Kirk's doublefistchop is unstopable!!! You can't hope to resist.:)
I'm sure there were shows with better fight scenes during this time. But in TOS's defense, they were on a pretty tight budget.
We don't have TV, so had never heard of Firefly. When Serenity was released in theaters it sounded intriguing, so we went. We loved it! Finally, a space movie that wasn't a war or alien invasion thing! Our friends loaned us Firefly and we ended up buying it.

It was very cool to go into Serenity knowing absolutely NOTHING about any of the characters or their situation. It made the movie incredibly interesting as we tried to piece together what was going on. I thought JW handled the transition from the series very well and made a smart movie in the process, even - and perhaps especially - for non-fans.

If anybody reading hasn't seen either yet, I highly recommend doing so in that order.