Worst Movie Seen?

What is the worst movie you guys have seen? I know it's hard to answer but give it a try.

As of now I would have to say the worst movie I have ever seen is was Red Planet. Crap plot, crap effects, nice shower scene :)
Striptease. It was so terrible I couldn't get past the first five minuets. I don't know if it was such an aweful script/acting job but it was pure hell to even think of watching it all the way through. To this day I don't know what its plot was. I know Demi Moore was in it and so was Burt Reynolds and it was about a stripper. I saw the other one with Elizabeth whatsername from Saved by the Bell and that was better bearing.
Striptease isn't even qualified to be the worst movie made for the simple reason that it was soooo terrible you can't even watch it in the first place.
The Craving Heart. One of the professor at my school cleaned up the sound on that film.... Wish he cleaned up the entire muddy film.... Most of it is intellectualism for the sake of intellectualism, not to suppliment the story... It's less about the plot but more about it's half baked themes.... It's all about this lame ideas and theories that no sane man can quite believe anyway....

Ten minutes into the film, I shouted "Ten bucks says this ends in suicide". I was wrong, as it ended in "Murder/Suicide." The movie has inspired nightmares. I am not kidding...

The story is about a man who falls i love with this woman, cheats on his wife with her, and keeps talking to his his coworker who speaks in psuedo intellectual monologs. Meanwhile, the girl he loves cuts herself for no real reason, though she gives several during her heartfelt-yet-irritating monologs. And, for good measure, we have John Saxon giving us a Vietnam monolog. Because if Suicide, Self Mutilation, and sex aren't dramatic enough, we need Vietnam in this one too.

Oh, and that bizaare idea they spend most of their time getting across? Apparently, we are left to ponder.... Can we really go to heaven if our soulmate hasn't passed on yet.... My God, what sort of new age crap was the director on?

This movie filled me with rage... Oh, there is also a subplot about a child molestor.

I seek out bad movies. For fun. I watch Manos the Hands of Fate because "Its a good way to kill an hour". I watch "Legend of Bigfoot" because, well, why not? For Christ's sake, I own very few movies, but one of those movies is "Never Too Young to Die". I do not take the title "Wost movie ever" lightly.
I'd have to say that Pinata: Survivor Island is hands down the worst movie I've ever seen.
Honorable mentions go to Magnolia, Tropic Thunder, and the last Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

I just saw the remake of Willy Wonka, whatever they named it (Charlie and the Chocolate factory maybe?) and that was absolutely the worst remake I've ever seen.

Worst movie I've ever seen to win best picture: No Country for Old Men.
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kazze - I never did see that movie, I knew it was going to be bad and even the boobs couldn't bring me to see it. Hell that goes for the other stripper one as well.

Newski - I too like to watch bad movies and I think I may have to find the one you were talking about.

Jijenji - Pinata: Survivor Island sounds like a fun little movie. I went to see who was in it and I don't think any project with those two leads in it will be good. Don't get me wrong they aren't bad but I just have a feeling that they wont have any on screen chem.
Star Wars: The Phantom Menance. Seriously, what a pile of horse droppings. Worst ten bucks I ever spent in my life. Saw that one in the theater.

When The Clone Wars came out, I did myself a favour and saved my money. Unfortunately, my brother bought me a copy on VHS when that was released. I did end up watching it; I then chewed my brother out for wasting twenty bucks.

Never did see the very final one, and I really don't care that pretty much everyone agrees that it's supposedly the best of the prequels. "Fool me once" and all that jazz.

Actually, the latest Indiana Jones movie was pretty arse, as well. It was good to see Marion back, but dang! Sorely dissapointed.
Oh god SW:Ep1 was so bad, I did watch the whole thing and I cut out of high school to see it. As for SW:Ep2 I only watched 15mins of it before I say "F this" and turned it off.

Wow you know what, the say went for The Lord of the Rings.
Jijenji - Pinata: Survivor Island sounds like a fun little movie. I went to see who was in it and I don't think any project with those two leads in it will be good. Don't get me wrong they aren't bad but I just have a feeling that they wont have any on screen chem.

The effects were just laughable, the dialogue was laughable, everything about that movie was awful.
There really is no way to adequately describe how bad it was, you just have to watch it and laugh...you will definitely laugh harder AT this movie than you ever will in some of the best comedies ever.

As for Phantom Menace, yes that was awful. It was a big disappointment for me since I was a big fan of the first 3 Star Wars films. The last 3 were horrible in comparison. IMO, I don't see any difference in quality between Phantom Menace and Clone Wars, they were both a 1 out of 10. The last one was much better than those two, but still nowhere near as good as the original trilogy.

I don't look at Lucas in the same light either. I appreciate his original vision, but he diminished himself IMO and not just because the films were bad...I realized the best movie of the entire series was the one he didn't write and didn't direct, EMPIRE. That's a major problem for a filmmaker when you are the brains behind 6 movies in a series and by far the best one is the one you didn't write or direct.
Don't be dissing the DUCK. I enjoy that movie and I'm not afread to say so! I havent seen that movie in ages, i must much it soon now..... DAMN YOU :)
I've gotta go with Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow.

My anger at how much that movie sucked literally allowed me to transform into Lewis Black.

I then burned the theater to the ground and broke Jude Law's nose.
i would agree with transformers and any other lame summer blockbuster that is just 2 hours of special effects and hot girls in order to make money. blasphemy. also a lot of people disagree, but i hate slingblade so much.

actually i'll extend my first comment to cover most hollywood movies.
C.Adley - Never saw Terror Toons, I've wanted to for a while just haven't. Redneck Zombies is awesome, you know if you're into that Troma stuff.... and I am. Ok Redneck Zombies was pretty bad.

barnaclelapse - Tansform into one of my top 5 comics, SWEET!

CDCosta - I'm so glad I'm not the only one who dislikes that movie. I seem to be the only one who dislikes it out of the people I know in real life.

WeightOnWheels - never heard of it and after check IMDB don't know if I want to see it or not.
Don't be dissing the DUCK. I enjoy that movie and I'm not afread to say so! I havent seen that movie in ages, i must much it soon now..... DAMN YOU :)

Yeah, Howard the Duck goes on my "Guilty Pleasures" List as well.... It is in no way a good movie, but I love it regardless.
Funniest movie of all time has to go to The Happening, scariest part of the movie was when i dropped my phone, Super Baby Geniuses 2 and From Justin to Kelly

-Jijengi, i thought Tropic Thunder was really funny, y didnt you think so?