I want to add my tarnished two cents here. I didn't read the whole thread- started on p. one then jumped to p. 4 to make sure everyone was polite. Hooray, for the most part, we are.
I am a female director. Most of the time in my local 'club' meeting, I am the only female director. Often, in pre-prod. or on the set, I am one of the only women- even the only one- if we exclude those in front of the camera.
Recently, I worked on a very testosterone heavy film- nearly all male cast and there were three women on the crew. One was the wardrobe crew head, one was the set RN, and me- script super. These are the 'traditional' female roles in production.
Most of the time, I don't give a damn about it... Then will come the moment when I realize that I am the only woman at the table- or I watch a talented and skilled woman shooed away from using her skills cause she'll 'get hurt' doing a 'man's' job. Then I get steamed.
I am the maniacal/ obsessive directoral stereotype. It creates havoc at home with my spouse and daughter, but they are learning to live with it. I am new to the business, so there is much I still need to learn to create better films, so I take some jobs I'd rather not, just to learn.
The way I see it, one of our jobs as Indies is to educate the mainstream filmmakers about diversity and thinking outside the box (which is 3-D)

. Women must be as willing to run roughshod over their families as their male counterparts (for a while), so that we can prove our mettle and create our vision too.
My new short "Killer Squirrel" premieres in Cleveland in Sept. and I am in pre-prod. for an HD feature (I am producing that one) and in pre-prod for another short entitled, "Rubble"( I promised my hubby that I'd complete at least 3 shorts before I went for a feature- This will be the 6th short I have worked on). Somewhere in there, I have to be a wife, mom, housekeeper, gardener, accountant, help-mate and sex goddess. We do what we have to do.
It ain't fair, but it's life.