I was watching Frost/Nixon and it occurred to me, that out of every indie film I've seen, which is a lot, I don't think any of them have been based on true stories, or true events.
I mean Hollywood and major studios release movies like this all the time but for some reason the indie circuit, almost always does not take any interest in them. I mean it would be difficult to make a historical movie like Lawrence of Arabia, Schindler's List, or JFK for example... But movies like Monster, The Blind Side, and Conviction for example, have stories that could be made on a low or perhaps even microbudget. Monster especially since the movie looks and plays like an indie film anyway. But after the true story of the woman from Monster ended in real life in 2002, the true story was immediately picked up by Hollywood, casting a well known celebrity actress in the role, who didn't even really look the part that much, and even though she is a great actress, they had to put so much make up on her, it just felt like a forced box office decision.
There was rumors of filmmakers being interested in making a movie, but they were just rumors without anything confirmed. However, I bet Hollywood would pick it up before the indie circuit would, if they would ever.
Why is that though? Why do indie filmmakers and indie film companies, have very little interest, of making movies based on true stories? I've never seen one, and I have seen quite a fair share, not just in theaters or on video, but also none on netflix, or the film festivals I have attended either.
Why is that? Why do indie filmmakers stay away from historical or biographical films that can be done on a low budget? Which is kind of shame since there a lot of great true stories out there.