Who needs a laugh?

So... I tried to cut my own hair the other day. Yeah. Bad idea. Just wanted to take a little off the sides and ended up with a spiffy cool summer doo...


The Pizza Monk

this would make the perfect emoticon for the occasion :huh: except it needs to be smiling :) or crying!
Hey now. It's all fun and games until someone gets their eye poked out! Or loses a fight with the clippers. And then it's fahkin hilarious!

Well, I know one thing's for sure, I'll never be mistaken for a Hairy Krishna. :P
OMG there IS a resemblance. Just haven't seen that film in so long. Funny.

Murdock, There are places deeper than hell. is the promotional tagline for my screenplay THE SLEEPING DEEP.
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Been there, done that. Had several "damnit, too far!" moments while cutting the hair that ended like that over the years.


The of course there was the year that I was Destro for Holloween. Shaved the dome on purpose that time. :D
Nice! And, hey, you won't have to worry about cutting your hair for a while!

I loathe sideburns (for no particular reason, just do) and often go to far when shaving. For about 9 years I had a long blue mohawk (usually combed back into a topknot or ponytail, if wearing a hat). I would often claim that was a result of my sideburn-hate going too far...