Jump the fence, run like hell and hope no one catches you![]()
Rumor has it, that's how Spielberg got his start, haha!
Jump the fence, run like hell and hope no one catches you![]()
I read a book on him earlier this year. from his start to his Duel movie. I expected to read that story. It wasn't in there. Makes you wonder how true it was.
Sorry, dude. I just re-read the thread, in its entirety. Which, by the way, I really didn't want to do. I did it for you. I'm afraid I see none of the personal attacks that you feel you were subjected to. There was also no threat of a ban. I believe the reference to the bloke who got banned a couple months ago was more of a prediction than an insinuation. As in, dude, if keep going down these roads, you're going to get banned. It was a warning. Just like I tried to warn you that if you want to fit in here, you might want to increase your chill factor by 1000%. Chill, dude, there is no conspiracy against you. I assure you, you'll be more than welcome here, but only if you cool it down. I'm speaking from personal experience, BTW.![]()
I GUARANTEE that when Michael Jordan was a child, he didn't dream of maybe becoming good enough at basketball to maybe earn a college scholarship. No, he dreamed of becoming the greatest basketball player of all time.
[1] If I wanted to do things the traditional way, sure, I could move to Hollywood, get a job as a PA, work my way up the ladder and make connections, yadda yadda.
[2] For me, personally, it's all or nothing.
[3] Either I get "discovered", like Lena Dunham or the Duplass Bros.,
[4] or I'll be perfectly happy making films that don't turn a profit. You wanna why? It's a lot of fun! [5] So, tell me, if you think I'm doing it wrong, what's the correct path I should follow? Be specific.
Frankly, though, I have no idea how you feel like you know where APE is coming from.
In this thread all he has done is argue about the semantics of the word "impossible"
Knowing that I'm not interested in becoming a PA or a professional editor, how does somebody like me break into Hollywood? Be specific.
Wait, so APE, you're telling me I can't do what I want to do because of a figure of speech? I realize that English isn't your first language, but surely, you must know that when people say "dream the impossible", they don't literally mean "impossible". I'm saying aim high, shoot for the stars, and maybe you'll hit the moon. But since you apparently don't do well with figures of speech, allow me to be explicit.
And I GUARANTEE that MJ didn't become a great basketball player only by dreaming about it or even by dreaming about it, playing a couple of basketball games down the local park and then trying out for the Bulls. I also GUARANTEE that there have been countless tens of thousands of other children who dreamed of becoming the greatest basketball player of all time but who didn't.
Web series are hard!
"I'm going to attempt to do something that's virtually impossible."
I think you said you were going to do the impossible, which, is different from the improbable. The world is shaped by those who achieve the improbable. The world is molded by those with unreasonable expectations. No one achieves the impossible.
Language is also important when you're attempting to be a leader. Remember that old "Knowing you're shit" is different to "Knowing your shit". A slight change can have large shifts in meaning.
Alas, I understand where APE is coming from. I also know that he can be a buzz kill to those who don't have the traditional resources to turn our dreams into a reality.
Take that Miami girl that floating in here for a few weeks looking for a million bucks to make her dream a reality. "So you have a budget?" "No." "How do you know you need the million?" "I just figure I need that much. Can you invest in me. It's my first film and I have a vision. I know you'll make a profit." Even you can see the futility right?
It's the same as APE can see that you expecting people to donate (probably 6 or 7 figures) free post audio work to produce a film that can pass QA to get theatrical distribution is improbable at best.
Dream! Go ahead and dream big. When it comes down to execution of your dream, you're going to need a plan that works in reality. A plan that is real. A plan that has more than a snowballs chance in hell of succeeding. A plan that is within your reach...
It's the same as APE can see that you expecting people to donate (probably 6 or 7 figures) free post audio work to produce a film that can pass QA to get theatrical distribution is improbable at best.
Dream! Go ahead and dream big. When it comes down to execution of your dream, you're going to need a plan that works in reality. A plan that is real. A plan that has more than a snowballs chance in hell of succeeding. A plan that is within your reach...
And I GUARANTEE that MJ didn't become a great basketball player only by dreaming about it or even by dreaming about it, playing a couple of basketball games down the local park and then trying out for the Bulls. I also GUARANTEE that there have been countless tens of thousands of other children who dreamed of becoming the greatest basketball player of all time but who didn't.
1. That's one of the traditional ways, there are others but you apparently don't want any of the traditional ways. What you appear to want is not only to beat the very tough odds of succeeding in cinema but to compound those odds exponentially by only succeeding under your own terms. The aspiring indie filmmaking world appears chock full of narcissists, filmmakers who think the film industry and it's consumers are going to bend and accommodate to their personal desires. Those in the industry know that to stand any chance, you need the opposite approach. You need to adapt your personal desires to the industry, not the other way around.
2. Then it will be "nothing"! Sure, there are a tiny handful of exceptions, those who have gone from nothing to "all". These exceptions are quoted ad infinitum by dreamers, dreamers who are usually mis-quoting the exceptions and who have no concept of "the odds". 300,000 to 1 odds doesn't sound completely impossible or seem to bother most dreamers, maybe if they thought about it in terms of it being a hundred times less likely than getting struck by lightening, they would be a little more circumspect in how they approach trying to realise their filmmaking dreams?
3. Hang on a minute, you started this thread talking about Hollywood and a golden age of cinema and now you're quoting examples of: A. The Duplas Bros who have carved a reputation executive producing in the nano/micro budget indie world but whose own attempts at making films with a more Hollywood type budget have been spectacular flops and B. Someone who is successful in TV and not part of the cinema industry. Not that I'm knocking TV, either in it's own right or as one of those traditional routes to cinema.
4. Did you even read that before you wrote it? How are you are going to start or participate in a Hollywood revolution by making films which don't make a profit? How are you even going to make a living from films which don't make a profit? Do you really see nothing wrong with your plan?
5. I can't be specific without specific details of what you're trying to make and besides, there's no point in getting into specifics until you deal with the generalities. Your general approach, from what you've stated, is essentially the same as most other pure dreamers. Namely; not just to ignore the odds but to deliberately keep piling odds on top of odds until you're looking at a virtual impossibility. If you were really serious, you would be doing the exact opposite! You would be dedicating yourself to doing everything possible to reduce those odds of failure, regardless of whether that involved the "traditional ways" or things which you don't personally see as "a lot of fun". As an example, you want to make a superb film. Is that "superb" by your definition, superb by the standards/definition of other nano budget filmmakers or by amateur film festivals, superb by the standards of Hollywood, theatrical distributors or those who actually pay to watch theatrical features? If it's primarily the former, then you're making a film for yourself, to satisfy your hobby. If it's "all or nothing", then it will be nothing, because the role of big time Hollywood hobbyist filmmaker does not exist!
Yes, it's obvious that you "have no idea" and yet jax has in fact demonstrated a very good idea of where I'm coming from!
You mean; in this thread all you have chosen to do is interpret my posts as being about the semantics of the word "possible". Presumably you've done that to avoid the "negativity" they represent to your impossible dream?
As specifically as possible: Somebody like you does NOT break into Hollywood! Hollywood is big business, if you don't want to take the time and effort to learn the rules of that business, how it works and develop the skills to be good at that business then Hollywood will have zero interest in you. Breaking into Hollywood with no conditions is damn hard, breaking into Hollywood with a whole bunch of conditions such as: "all or nothing", no traditional ways, rules are meant to be broken, it's all about my personal ideas of subjectivity and "superb", it must be my idea of "a lot of fun", etc., is virtually impossible.
So what's my specific plan? Become somebody else!! Ditch all those ridiculous, narcissistic conditions, learn what Hollywood is, how it works, how Hollywood films are made and learn how to do something which might actually interest Hollywood. Your plan of making whatever you fancy, however you fancy making it, for whatever spare cash you fancy and dreaming of a Hollywood revolution tailored to your fancy is just that and nothing more, a fanciful dream!
Did any of you honestly not know that when I said "impossible" I was speaking figuratively?
Should I assume that you apply the same logic to film?
So please, spare me the negativity.
there's an APE bandwagon now?
How do you know whether or not my plan is within my reach?
I really hope you have Maury down under, cuz that was kinda a funny reference
Ask him how many features he's financed on a tiny budget.
let's listen to the guy who's never produced an indie film on the best way to produce an indie film.
This isn't the first time I've done this.
And yes, there's a C-Funk bandwagon. C'mon and hop on-board!
As I said, I'd rather shit in a bag, set it alight and leave it on your doorstep than join a bandwagon.