Also you misunderstand a plain sentence. I did not say superb films on low/no budget are not made. In fact that is what you imply with your money based worldview. I said they will rise to the top. In fact I am the positive one here rather than you objectors if you think logically, correctly and analytically about the discussion.
I don't think you totally got what I said. (Nor the subtle joke inside of it.

I'm not denying that superb unseen movies exist or do not exist.
Your claim that every superb movie will rise from the vast amount of movies in the world is just hard to disproof by posting an unseen superb movie, because unseen is unnoticed, so nobody has the link

If it is not seen by many, than odds are relatively small that someone in this pretty small IT community did actually see it and thus can post the link to show that there was a superb movie waiting to be found somewhere on YouTube or Vimeo.
Hence the comparison with the living fossile: it was there all the time, but when the fossile was discovered nobody could prove the species was still alive. While it survived for over 60 million years, so in some way you could say it's build is superb AND it looks pretty special. It was just unnoticed all the time, so nobody could disproof it's 'extinct' qualification for a century.
My worldview is much less moneybased than you might think. My explaination might just have fallen short: more funds create more possibilities to create a superb movie. But with more money involved comes the desire to reduce the risk, so more money is spent on marketing. Making it indeed less likely that a superb movie will go unnoticed. At the same time the opposite can also happen: attention can be taken away from superb movies by fun movies that have millions more to spend on maketing.
Because, whether you like it or not, a lot of attention is being paid for.
So I'm not saying superb movies can't be made without money, I'm just saying the odds get smaller in both execution and getting attention. It would be a perfect world if quality always surfaces automaticly.
That doesn't make me negative, btw.
And I agree with CF: we should alway strive to create something superb.
There are no correlations between the two cases or the cause/effects. In fact it proves my case, if it exists, and you know many cases, link one superb unseen indie feature here.
Your disagreement does not prove your case

Nor did I ever say that I know many cases.
Cause and effect are not the same, but they have a great analogy:
"Show me something presumed to not exist!" can only be met by showing something unknown, but since it is unknown it's pretty hard to show. Unless someone happened to stumple upon some new discovery.
Hence my little thought experiment that the inability to show an unknown superb movie is not proving that every superb movie will rise above the masses and get that vast audience it deserves.
(Just like the inability to proof that the world is a globe didn't make the world flat.)
Has anyone seen Rok Dabla? (The year of the devil)
(Although it's probably shot on film, I think it is a movie that is entitled to more attention. But then the trouble starts: it is really superb? Is it unknown enough? Or did it do rise to the top of it's potential?)