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I just watched Episodes (a showtime series) that has ended and now available in full on netflix.


It's about two british writers (married) that have a hit show in england and move to LA to recreate the series for an american audience.
This was really great. Some of the laughs that I got out of this show were extraordinarily loud. aka the funny moments were really damn funny.

Also I want to give some special attention to the actress Tamsin Greig
She is the floating head at the bottom of the picture and sometimes plays the disagreeable wife in the show.

I have never seen a disagreeable heel of a wife character be played so likable and funny.
Usually those types of characters are a bit grating to the audience but I liked her the whole time so bravo to her, i know that wasnt an easy performance to succeed at.
I love Episodes. So well written. The Comedy was done very well.
Finished Tiger king on netflix since everyone keeps talkinga bout it.

Really shows what a nasty effect having money can having on your life and happiness.
One tiger dude was rich and his wife murdered him and got away with it.
Another tiger dude had a wealth of tigers and someone came along and stole the zoo from him, entrapped him and then testified against him to send him to jail. That dude was a real asshole though so its easy not to feel too bad for him.

Money puts a giant target on your back.
I've been enjoying The Amazing Mrs. Maisel a lot. Like, a lot. I'm on Season Two now. Not flawless, but gosh, it's still been soooo good for the most part. Gets a strong recommend from me based on what I've seen so far.
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I've been enjoying The Amazing Mrs. Maisel a lot. Like, a lot. I'm on Season Two now. Not flawless, but gosh, it's still been soooo good for the most part. Gets a strong recommend from me based on what I've seen so far.

I tried to watch that and im just too cynical about standup. She does one set and suddenly she has someone believing in her and following her around lmao. If you want a look into the REALITY of standup comedy there is a funny series on HBO called crashing that is based on the actual life and success trajectory of a standup comedian pete holmes.

Here is one peak... really funny people have to pay $20 and bring a crowd just to get on stage for a couple minutes. you have to pay them.
personally it took 3 months of me going out to standup every week before the host of the show even saw me perform. dude would call my name then just go outside and smoke a cigarette. and the crowd is only other comedians that hate that youre on stage instead of them. you dont just do one set on a whim and make it.

this is like creating a show about someone that goes to the gym one day, and then accidentally walks out looking like prime time arnold.
that shit doesnt happen lol. it takes soooo much work.
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Schitt$ creek - not watching it from a study point of view but just boredom in lockdown and having something to watch late at night, its ok and passes the time fine
this is like creating a show about someone that goes to the gym one day, and then accidentally walks out looking like prime time arnold.
that shit doesnt happen lol. it takes soooo much work.

Oh I totally believe it, and thank you for the insight.

But I still enthusiastically recommend it on the strength of its charm. I mean the family and friends drama of the show is what won me over, as well as its outstanding production quality. :)
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I tried to watch that and im just too cynical about standup. She does one set and suddenly she has someone believing in her and following her around lmao. If you want a look into the REALITY of standup comedy...

If every story relied on being 100% technically accurate, we’d have a lot of long and boring storytelling out there. Sometimes abbreviation makes for a stronger story, because less can be more.

Also, take into account that Maisel takes place in a different era where standup was more underground than mainstream. Even at that, it’s just storytelling. There are so many things that are caricatured in that series, and that’s part of what makes it great.

“Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” is a fun ride. There’s no way a police detective would actually get pulled into a caper with an animated rabbit, but that doesn’t take me out of enjoying the story.
If every story relied on being 100% technically accurate, we’d have a lot of long and boring storytelling out there. Sometimes abbreviation makes for a stronger story, because less can be more.

Also, take into account that Maisel takes place in a different era where standup was more underground than mainstream. Even at that, it’s just storytelling. There are so many things that are caricatured in that series, and that’s part of what makes it great.

“Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” is a fun ride. There’s no way a police detective would actually get pulled into a caper with an animated rabbit, but that doesn’t take me out of enjoying the story.

Yeah suspension of disbelief is definitely a thing - and sometimes movies ask too much of their audience and that suspension breaks
I just binged Sunderland ‘til I Die on Netflix and it’s great, even if you don’t like soccer/football and docs. It follows a team in the UK as they try to make it back up into the Premier League, but a lot of it is from the perspective of the fans and the people behind the scenes. One thing I noticed, which I rarely do, the show has great audio. I know, weird.

OH and Seinfeld, front to back baby!!!
This monkey was definitely the highlight of the series. LMAO.
Not as good in this edited format though.

But the whole series was funnier than i expected
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I really enjoyed Space Force. I was really impressed when I realized that co-creator Greg Daniels also created Upload, which I liked a lot too (out now on Amazon Prime).
I bought an Apple TV just as the lockdown hit, so I’ve been smashing Morning Wars (or Morning Show depending on where in the world you are), Defending Jacob and have also watched Upload on Amazon, plus finally got around to Season 4 of This Is Us

At least I’ve been able to catch up a bit on missed shows during the downtime.
watching Upload

I enjoy it, but i wouldn't call it great. the writing is not very well thought out and it makes me roll my eyes
here is an example

Protagonist talks to his "Angel" but she says its against policy to say if she is a human, an AI, an upload, etc.
People are paying TOP dollar for this service and the company is hiding if they even have human help or not?

If a company is paying money for human employees instead of some dumb AI to help you that is something that the company is going to market and promote. It's not a service that the company is going to hide and cover up that they have real humans assisting you...

And where does this all lead? To later in the show where it says uploads aren't allowed to work because it would tank the economy.
This is in DIRECT opposition to the notion that the angels could believably be AI workers and that its okay.

Wait so you can have AI workers proliferate throughout the economy and it causes no harm.
But if you let a human upload write some code or a script? Now its a problem?

This is obviously going to lead to depression. What kind of man wants to live in a world where they are totally impotent.
Why do AI have more rights than human uploads? This doesnt compute
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Real Rob

Did not have the highest opinion of rob - but i like shows like this - the concept is basically the same as Episodes.
famous actor playing a fictionalized version of themselves in hollywood. Rob wrote, directed ,starred in it and its pretty good!

It's not super bingeable but the episodes are fun and made me laugh.
I watched both seasons. His real wife is in the show and a great character.