What did you watch, tonight?

Just watched an awesome movie called BENT...Clive Owen, Jude Law...a really cool, racy film about...well...watch a trailer. Amazing performances.
I'm writing a paper about the Dogme'95 movement, so I'm having to watch the films... mixed bag for me. "The King is Alive" I enjoyed... "Camera" I didn't enjoy watching at all... "Dancer in the Dark", I didn't like as much and isn't technically Dogme, although it's considered to be one.

In the midst of it, to cleanse the palette, I watched Alicia Silverstone in "Clueless" I feel better for it.
Dang, I'll have to rent that documentary. Sounds like it will be an interesting look at gender roles, over the decades.
That was not a major point of the doc, although it's interesting how the doc is bookended that way - silent films being edited by women, it becomes a mans world, and then towards the end of the century the re-emergence of women as editors (especially Thelma Schoonmaker). There is also a great section with Walter Murch.
Being an animation buff, I have the Looney Toons Gold Collections of DVDs (fantastic stuff), and there are some great extra features and commentaries, histories.

What struck me was how many women worked at Looney Toons during the "Termite Terrace" days, washing cells, minor editing, inbetweening, inking and other jobs-but never got the credit. It took a few decades for voice actors like June Foray to get credit for their talent. Apparently Mel Blanc got a clause in his contract saying he would get sole voice credit for the shorts, in leiu of a pay raise(discovered during a couple of commentaries and a short feature on those days).

I've always loved Mel Blanc's work, but finding out about that, my respect went down a little for him. I guess he had to have some "bonus". Foray was a fantastic talent, too bad her and other women (and other men voice talent) took so long to get the recognition.
Funny because just before we ran through all of HEROES, we watched the last two seasons of LOST. We love lost, and it stinks we have to wait so long for the next season to come out on Netflix stream...we don't watch these shows on TV...we like to blast through 3 or 4 shows a night, without commercials.

I switched over to watching Lost on netflix after getting tired of changing the volume every time Hulu ran a commercial. If you don't want to wait for netflix to catch up, they're running the whole series through the end of the year:


Also recently rewatched Visions of Light, and have the criterion of Jubilee sitting on my desk waiting to watch.

I also watch way too many cartoons on various sites as well. :lol:
Tonight was two episodes of the doc "Life" on Discovery Channel. I'm not really thrilled with Oprah as the narrator, but the visuals are gorgeous.
I switched over to watching Lost on netflix after getting tired of changing the volume every time Hulu ran a commercial. If you don't want to wait for netflix to catch up, they're running the whole series through the end of the year:


Also recently rewatched Visions of Light, and have the criterion of Jubilee sitting on my desk waiting to watch.

I also watch way too many cartoons on various sites as well. :lol:

But beware, they are only running the latest 5 episodes of season six on hulu, so you'll have the find -ahem- alternate ways to watch them....
I watched "Incident at Oglala" yesterday, "Camera", "The King is Alive", "Clueless" (to break the day up a bit)... Today, "State of Play and I'm working my way through "Thunderheart".

Tomorrow, I'll watch something fun for me, then the next day, "Amelie" for Film History III :) I love being a film studies student... I get to watch movies, then write about them... I do that anyway, why not get a degree for it :)
Knightly: I seem to remember watching "Thunderheart" and "Incident at Oglala" on a double bill, but about ten or eleven years ago, and I can't remember why exactly...is there a Native American unit in your film history class? Or maybe one was trailered on the VHS of the other...interesting.
The class is an Anthropology class titled: "American Indian Representations in Film and Media"

Very cool, and I'm making a Doc for my final project on Indians who are working on rediscovering their heritage after being separated from it through various machinations - mostly from their parents/grandparents disavowing their heritage to avoid the stigma of being Indian.
Being an animation buff, I have the Looney Toons Gold Collections of DVDs (fantastic stuff), and there are some great extra features and commentaries, histories.

I have this too and now I think I'm going to watch it...

Just watched Mission Impossible the other day, it was the only thing on t.v. I don't think I really was a fan of this movie. Also, just relaxing every weekend with my brother watching the season 5 of House.
But beware, they are only running the latest 5 episodes of season six on hulu, so you'll have the find -ahem- alternate ways to watch them....

Yeah, I'm on season 3. Got a ways to go before that becomes an issue. Netflix streaming goes through the end of either 3 or 4, can't recall at the moment.

Will be interesting to see if they (hulu) add 6 in its entirety again once the broadcast run is done.

Didn't get to watch much yesterday, save for Archer. It's sort of sad how much I like Adam Reed's writing, I think it says bad things about me as a person. :lol:
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Okay, let's see if I can catch up...

Tonight I watched "The Soloist." Nothing especially groundbreaking, but a very satisfying film none-the-less. A very interesting sound design.

Last night (Friday) I watched "Pelham 1-2-3." Not bad, but I think that the original was much better.

Thursday - daddy and daughter night - we watched "Enchanted" (again). Very well done, Disney actually managed to poke a little fun at itself. There are numerous references/homages to other Disney films throughout.

Well, back to work....
Finally watched Crazy Heart. I loved it, such a subtly different and sweet story.

Also watched the first episode of the new HBO show Treme with John Goodman. I liked it so far, but it's not clear where the show is going, so we'll see.
Finally got around to watching Jubilee last night. Fascinating. A bit like watching Bunuel from time to time - though closer to a linear narrative than he would have gotten.

Really nice 8mm bit in the 1st act, great production design. Weird, but entertaining. Also funny to see a very young Adam Ant on film.
I watched "Live and Let Die" on one of the few "independent" stations(for those who from Ontario, I'm talking about CHCH). All they do is movies and news. I wondered how they nabbed a licence for Bond films-now I know:

The format is neither widescreen nor fullscreen, so close to a third of the screen is cut(btw I have 27 inch tube tv-saving for the flatscreen)

No close captioning(and I have hearing difficulties in regards to dialogue, so I rely on them a lot)

So, essentially I was watching Mr. Moore on 2/3 of the film with muddied(to my ears)dialogue and no close captioning.

So, what format am I seeing? Essentially the "original" format?
Tuesday and last night I indulged in my guilty pleasure "American Idol". It's actually pretty dull this year, but it's an hour where the whole family sits on the couch together. A far as I can tell Chrystal has a lock on it; she is far and away the most talented of the bunch.