Ultra Right-Wing Christian Films!

What does being a Christian have to do with swearing and sex? I'm just wondering where this kind of modern morality got tied up with Christianity. Am I less of a Christian because I swear like a sailor? Would my films violate some passage in the Bible because of profanity or depiction of sex?

seriously! thank you!
My hand is raised.

Burnt, I know your frustration...I have been in numerous arguments with fellow christians pertaining to nudity and sex in film. IMO, nudity is not wrong. If you see a work of art that depicts a nude woman, it is not porn. But some do not feel that way. I've been told that if I put a nude woman in a movie I could very well be responsible for a young man losing his innocence.


What I try to do is 1) understand my own place in God's will and 2) understand that other folks have their own place in His will. Life isn't easy when your viewpoints differ from the view of the majority, but if you know you're where your Lord wants you to be, what does the opinions of others matter? Am I right? Tell the stories that you feel need to be told, and pray that they find an audience.

All that being said, I admire the person who has high standards and morals. If you are the type of person that decides to give up certain things in your quest to be more like Christ, then that is your decision and I believe you have the right to it. And if you carry that over into your films, even better. There is an audience out there for this type of work as well.

ive got to interject here, i am a minister and i am not here to jduge or preach at you guys, being a christian is not doing things that quote unquote a christian is suppose to do, its about having a relationship with christ plain and simple, can have a relationship with him and cuss? yes can you have arelationship with him and drink? yes can you have a relationship with him and not always go to church? yes but let me say this anything taken to an extreme is wrong, drinking to an extreme bad, watching naked women to an extreme bad, going to church and over spiritualizing everything bad!!!, let put it this way anything that gets in your way of your personal relationship with christ is wrong and is a sin, anything that god has personally told you not to do is wrong and is a sin, god convicts you about drinking at all, and you dont is a sin, period. god convicts you about putting a naked woman in a movie and you do it, it is a sin, period, whatever it is from drinking to smoking to lieing to watching to much tv, cussing, whatever it is, if it gets in the way of your personal relationship wiht christ and god convicts about doing or not doing something it is a sin, period! i would love to talk to anyone further about this if you want to email me.
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Let me clarify my earlier post. As pertaining to my "As a Christian" statement, I should have made it a seperate issue from my choosing to refrain from swearing and sex. Suggesting a connection between the two that cements salvation was NOT the intent of my post, so let me remind you of what was: I was just saying that NEEDLESS sex and profanity in film is, IMO, ridiculous. Further, it is on the same level of ridiculousness as tedious monologues and built-in sermons. If you have to spell something out with words in a film, then just write a paper instead of making a movie.
Poke said:
All that being said, I admire the person who has high standards and morals

As do I. But I know lots of people with high standards and morals that aren't Christians. Whereas many of the most immoral people I know are Christians. My point is that "Christian" is not synomynous with "moral" even though many, many Christians like to think that it is.

texasvenom said:
but let me say this anything taken to an extreme is wrong

I agree, but that's true whether you're a Christian or not.
yes but let me say this anything taken to an extreme is wrong

Yet, they keep producing 'Extreme Makeover', now that has just GOT to be a sin, maybe even a BIG one. :lol: ......yes, a VERY BIG ONE.
As do I. But I know lots of people with high standards and morals that aren't Christians. Whereas many of the most immoral people I know are Christians. My point is that "Christian" is not synomynous with "moral" even though many, many Christians like to think that it is.

i agree even as a minister i can not stand the word christian anymore, everyone is a christian but majority of these "christians" dont do what the word implies, to be christ like, but JESUS didnt call us to be christians he called us to be disciples which means to be a disciplined follower of a master, if jesus is your master, and if you are a christian then he should be, you not only do what the master tells you but also be disciplined in what and everything you do.
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bird said:
Yet, they keep producing 'Extreme Makeover', now that has just GOT to be a sin, maybe even a BIG one. :lol: ......yes, a VERY BIG ONE.

You know you cry like a babay when that comes on.

Or maybe that's just me. :tear:

Burnt Scroll said:
Let me ask you all this:

Would any of you be opposed to a film that demonstrates what it's like for a Christian to go through this life...the temptations, the failures, the hope, and the spiritual clarity that comes with following Christ?

Most Christian filmmakers have rejected my works because they don't aim to convert people to Christianity. I tend to do things edgy. Many Christian distributors have denied "Beating the Bunny" already because they think it's too risque for the Christian market.

My films typically open up taboo topics for discussion or expose a side of Christianity that is usually denied or ignored. My goals are usually to show the faults with man-and-church-centered religion and explore how really difficult it is to follow the ways of Jesus. Not preaching but more showing life's struggles and conquering them with faith, hope, love, and courage.

For those of you who don't follow Jesus, does this style of storytelling insult you?

As a non follower of Jesus I don't understand how anybody could be offended by any style of story telling. The real question is would I put my $8 on the table to see your movie. If I do or not would really depend.

If I hear of a film that is about "the trial and tribulations of being christian in the modern world" I'll be honest I would not go out of my way to see see it. Not because I was offended but because a) I would be concerned about the preachy issue b) because its not a character or story that is particulary relevent to my life. However with excellent marketing or the referral from a trusted individual and I would not object to seeing a movie simply because of its christian nature. Example "The passion" I was there on opening night becasue I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and also after graduating from a Catholic high school I happen to be familiar with the story so I wanted to see Mr. Gibson had done with it.
Ah, I see whilst I was away on my holidays that an outbreak of moral outrage has occured.

So if all the Christians can just walk the walk and forgive all the non-Christians for being judgemental and if all the moral high ground taking humanists can actually take the moral high ground by being even more forgiving just to prove that they can do it, we can get back to discussing the relative merits of various camcorders and our top favorite films with nuns in.

You see all us pandas are Buddhists and frankly we can't see what all the fuss is about.

Bamboo shoot anyone ;)

Favorite nun film "Black Narciscus"
Favorite missionary film " African Queen"
....I'm not one to curb an open discussion like this one and yes I still think that discussions like this are important to have, however

WriteumCowboy said:
how do I get off this thread that has turned to crap?

Let me outta here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


...this is turning into the thread that ate indietalk...and yet like car crashes, we can't turn away. Must...find...another...thread...must...escape...aaauuuggghhh!!!...must...stop...thinking... Where is Jean Claude Van Damme when we need him? Or is that going to far? :D

--spinner :cool:
clive said:
...we can get back to discussing ... our top favorite films with nuns in.

Nuns on the Run
Nuns in the Park
Nuns at the World's Fair
Nuns in the Outfield
We'll Have Nun of That

The Great Nun Drive of Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Five (fav line: "Gentlemen, we need nuns and we need 'em now!"
Nunderwear (70s porno)
The Nun Who Wasn't There
The Nun Who Fell to Earth
That's my Nun
Feed the Nuns
Don't Feed the Nuns
Stop Feeding the Nuns, You Heathen
Nun The Musical
'Til Death do us Nun
Damn Nuns

The Happy Nun Family
Three, Two, Nun

and my all time #1 Nun Movie

Nunny Nunny Boo Boo

texasvenom said:
i think someone has a nun fetish.

I just enjoy good Nun movies like these:

Nun of the Above
Dial M for Nuns
Everywhich Way but Nun
Th Way of the Nun
The Nuns of Navarrone
Nunning for Jesus
Nunbot: The Robotic Nun
Single White Nun
Everything You Wanted to Know About Nuns (But Were Afraid to Ask)
High Nun
The Hot Chick
Nun Behind the Wheel: The Death of Roberta Springfield
One for Me, Nun for you
Nun of Your Business
Mabel: The Groovy Nun
In the Heat of the Nun
I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Nuns
One Nun, Two Nun, Red Nun, Blue Nun
Squirrel Nuns
The Case of the Nun in Nantucket
Barrel-o-Nuns The Movie
