favorite Top 5 Favorite Films of All Time?

waiting is really underrated. the movie went under the radar. also lords of dogtown is one of those movies that was incredibly underrated. emile hirsch man. that dude can act.

also i like the matrix a ton. u have to watch all 3 like its all one continuous movie.

I know right! Lords of Dogtown always reminds me of why I started skating and the time in my life when I was really into it. (And Emile Hirsch, I don't even care if he can act, he could just stand in front of the camera for 2 hours and I'd be satisfied :p)

As for the Matrix, I agree, watching all three is the way to go, but I just like the first one better. It's rougher and doesn't have those really awful cgi sequences (burly brawl and super burly brawl). Those just completely take away from the films for me.

I've seen like, one and a half of the movies on your list, so I can't really comment lol.

ang <3
No shit, thats so cool. Can you post a pic of what it looks like now? I just want to see the outside of it. You know if you can great. If you cant no biggie.

yeah for sure. i will when i get the chance. google "eden prairie center". that is it.

also, where from upstate you from? like city/county?

i used to live in washington county.
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No shit, thats so cool. Can you post a pic of what it looks like now? I just want to see the outside of it. You know if you can great. If you cant no biggie.

also if your interested in emile hirsch and even films from upstate newyork/vermont, check out "mudge boy".
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Inglorious Bastards
Master and Commander
Jurassic Park
Empire Strikes Back
Up in the Air

jurassic park doesn't get any love every on top lists. for me jurassic park (considering when it was made) was a masterpeice.

the good, bad should be on my top list, but butch cassidy beats it out.
also if your interested in emile hirsch and even films from upstate newyork/vermont, check out "mudge boy".

I live in CNY actually but everyone seems to call it upstate. I'm about 10mins from Syracuse. The Mudge Boy sounds messed up, I might like it lol.
I've posted this once before but I'll play again.

5. The Bad News Bears (the original) - They just don't make films like they use to. PG in the 70's was great.

4. Heathers - Well crafted film and story.

3. Babe - Beside a incredible story and look to the film, it always makes me cry at the end.....Always.

2. Harold and Maude - A fantastic all around film.

1. Gummo - A masterpiece (but note, not a film for everyone).

Honorable mentions - Over The Edge, Seven Samurai, Citizen Cane, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Unforgiven, American Splendor
Citizen Cane

@wridingrlm I Googled all over for Citizen Cane and only came up with a cheap Hawaiin knock-off film about a guy who gives speeches in a sugar cane field.

Surely you must mean Citizen Kane.
I've posted this once before but I'll play again.

5. The Bad News Bears (the original) - They just don't make films like they use to. PG in the 70's was great.

4. Heathers - Well crafted film and story.

3. Babe - Beside a incredible story and look to the film, it always makes me cry at the end.....Always.

2. Harold and Maude - A fantastic all around film.

1. Gummo - A masterpiece (but note, not a film for everyone).

Honorable mentions - Over The Edge, Seven Samurai, Citizen Cane, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Unforgiven, American Splendor

The Bad News Bears? Well I really would never have guessed this would have been someones fav.

Heathers is a good movie and I watch it almost every time it's on tv.

Babe....never seen that.

Harold and Maude...never seen that one as well

Gummo, HOLY SHIT that was fucked up movie. I think KIDS is better myself but when I feel the need to feel better about my life I watch Gummo or when I want to freak other people out I have them watch it.
2. Harold and Maude - A fantastic all around film.

Haha, I never thought I'd hear that as someones favorite movie. I had a film class and our teacher dated the guy who grew up in that creepily huge mansion. She made us watch it, it wasn't bad at all, quite refreshing actually. Refreshing just because it was so different.

Yeah, Kids is a great film too but Gummo came together in perfect harmony (no pun intended - hint, look at the director's name). Like I said in my original post, it's not for everyone.

As for The Bad News Bears (the original), since the addition of PG-13 in the 80's we will never see a PG film like this (or many others back then) again. It didn't hold back so the film is honest even by today's standards. Seriously, there are so many things I could say about this film I could write a novel, but I won't. It is just a sensational piece which in the past few years jumped into number 5 on my list (that use to be Seven Samurai) but after really looking at it people tend to pass it off as a film for young boys. But it's not, it something which all ages, race and genders can learn from.
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Haha, I never thought I'd hear that as someones favorite movie. I had a film class and our teacher dated the guy who grew up in that creepily huge mansion. She made us watch it, it wasn't bad at all, quite refreshing actually. Refreshing just because it was so different.

What you said is ironic in a way. Last night I was hanging with some friends and we were talking about a friend of ours named Dave. Dave's uncle asked if he wanted to come over to watch them film a movie in his house. Dave asked him, "What kind of movie?" He responded, "A romantic comedy." Dave declined. Later he found out when watching the movie Sixteen Candles that the house party scene(s) were filmed there.

Sorry and I know this was off topic but your teacher's story reminded me of last night. But I would have loved to grown up in that large mansion in Harold and Maude.


Babe, Pig in the City

I really do think the second installment was excellent too.
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Finally got around to narrowing it down.

In no particular order:

Synecdoche, New York
The Fountain
Waking Life
While its virtually impossible to "grade" a brilliant movie over another, here is a list of movies that really inspired me to become a creator myself.

*The following, Memento, Prestige, and ALL of Chris's Nolan's movies, without exception.
There will be Blood
Gangs of New York
Brokeback Mountain
V for Vendetta (absolutely loved the script)
Lord of the Rings (all 3 movies)
Apocalypse now
Up In The Air - Such a good depressing movie with an amazing actor.

I can see how people would see this movie as depressing, but I didn't think it so at all. To me, the movie is all about change, and how you deal with it. Most change is unexpected, and not usually wanted, but not necessarily bad. I LOVE the ending of the movie, and I think
the title is very fitting. His character was in need of change. He didn't want it, but he needed it. Eventually, that change was forced upon him, and the story ends with everything "Up in the Air". We don't know where he's going, but we know he's going somewhere different, and he's finally making the choice to do so.
Personally, I kind of find that a little bit inspiring.

My top-five? Mmmm, my list is awful sci-fi heavy. My token non-sci-fi? "Forrest Gump".