waiting is really underrated. the movie went under the radar. also lords of dogtown is one of those movies that was incredibly underrated. emile hirsch man. that dude can act.
also i like the matrix a ton. u have to watch all 3 like its all one continuous movie.
I know right! Lords of Dogtown always reminds me of why I started skating and the time in my life when I was really into it. (And Emile Hirsch, I don't even care if he can act, he could just stand in front of the camera for 2 hours and I'd be satisfied

As for the Matrix, I agree, watching all three is the way to go, but I just like the first one better. It's rougher and doesn't have those really awful cgi sequences (burly brawl and super burly brawl). Those just completely take away from the films for me.
I've seen like, one and a half of the movies on your list, so I can't really comment lol.
ang <3