Per your own request, shouldn't you put why you chose those?
5 is too hard to are (at my current mental state) some of my top 10 movies.
* Blade Runner
* Brazil
* LotR
* Airplane
* Momento
* Alien
* 12 Monkeys
* The Thing
* Caddy Shack
* Young Frankenstein
I'm gonna be honest, I haven't seen Blade Runner or Brazil
Ok, these are my favorites off the top of my head...there are probably some I'm forgetting because its so hard to choose, but here goes...
Shawshank Redemption- Just one of the best and most heartfelt movies I have ever seen. You have to love Tim Robins as Andy because he's just a regular joe trying to survive in prison.
The Dark Night - One of the most developed villians of all time. Just a great movie packed with everything you could want. Love, hate, romance, action, fighting, guns, money...etc.
The Godfather Part 1 - One of the best mafia movies ever.
Up In The Air - Such a good depressing movie with an amazing actor.
Saving Private Ryan - The epicness of the movie I think speaks for itself, and who doesn't love Tom Hanks?
Se7en - Just a fantastic story and great acting.
Clockwork Orange - because of its randomness I found it great.
The Departed - Absolutely loved the way it was filmed.
District 9 - Whats not to like? Low budget, based off a short, the guys first time acting.
Ok that's it off the top of my head, but I would also like to say although they do not really count as film because they are animation movies... Up and Wall-E are also AMAZING.
How don't animated films count? They're just as much films...
A top five list may be impossible. I'll try to keep it down to ten.
From Hell
Sleepy Hollow
Hell Boy
Apocolypse Now
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Babe, Pig in the City
Interview with the Vampire
Harry Potter, the whole series! (oops, I guess that makes this list more like 15)
there are some awesome movies listed here and some i've never seen or even heard of. bad indie film girl, bad.
the number one spot i think is pretty definite, but the rest probably change every day. i think most people are like that, depends on your mood and stuff.. anyway, here's my top 5 right now:
1) lords of dogtown - skating was a big part of my life and this film encapsulates that scene so perfectly it inspires me to dust off my deck every time i watch it.
2) knocked up - i've said it before and i'll say it again, i could pretty much just listen to seth rogans' laugh for 2 hours and be entertained.
3) waiting - if you've worked in hospitality, or any form of customer service really, you'll relate. i used to watch this before going to my soul destroying job. i think it prevented a homicidal rampage.
4) romeo + juliet (the Baz Luhrmann version) - can you tell i'm just a little bit depressed today?
5) the matrix - for the same reasons that anyone else would like it i guess. it's pretty amazing.
yes so, a real good contribution to the discussion there -_-
I'm not going to tell you why I like the five I do just because I'm lazy right now.
*Galaxy Quest
*The Toxic Avenger
Well those are my top five for now.
Mallrats was filmed at my home mall dude. except they remodeled it. I remember them filming it.