The Unofficial Song of the Day Thread

Tonight, in Cleveland, I'm going to see Swans. I couldn't pick one "favorite band ever," but they'd definitely be in the top 10. I first heard them in the late 80s, when as a young kid I discovered the local college radio station. In 1996, I had just graduated high school and my life had taken a turn for the chaotic. "Soundtracks For The Blind" came out and never had an album been released that was exactly what I was feeling at the time. However, it was their farewell album, and I thought I'd never get a chance to see them live. I've seen Michael Gira's post-Swans band Angels of Light live a half dozen times, and they were amazing (and occasionally would pull out an old Swans song), but it's not the same.

Last year Swans re-formed. They put out an album (which was everything I'd hoped it would be) and have been touring ever since. Tonight is my first chance to catch this tour.

Sorry for the babbling. Not sure if I could convey just how EXCITED I AM! Oh, and Sunday I'm playing the first show I've done in about 3 years. This weekend shall be awesome!
...and afterwards, Swans CRUSHED MY SKULL. I've never been to a show more intense, or louder for that matter! Lots of intense, droney stuff that kept building and building until the hair on the back of my head was literally standing on end. It wasn't a concert. It was a ritual and an experience. Highly recommended (though certainly not for everyone) to nightmare fetishists and fans of HEAVY music. Crappy sounding youtube bootlegs can't even begin to describe the power of Swans live. See them if you can, and bring earplugs!
(had to scan back through the thread to see that I hadn't posted this before)
Because Halloween isn't just a holiday, it's a state of mind, one of my favorite songs from a pleasingly misspent youth:
Okay, holidays begin with me drinking way too much and watching movies that make me giggle. First up: Hackers. A classic. But it made me recall how much I really dig the Stereo MC's (the whole soundtrack is pretty killer, if you like early 90s electronica)

Next up either Heathers or Pump Up The Volume

Feeling a bit maudlin and thinking about the past. This song is the reason I first picked up a guitar. Still gets me.
Frank Zappa

Feeling a bit maudlin and thinking about the past. This song is the reason I first picked up a guitar. Still gets me.

A long time ago I worked for a ticket scalper when you had to wait on line 24 hours before to get a number so you could come back the following day to purchase your tickets.

Scalpers went in groups, and everyone knew who the scalpers were. So, this guy gets pissed and leaves. He doesn't even wait for a number. I usually was just given money and told to buy as many tickets as I could. But, for Zappa I bought a few extras that I figured I'd scalp myself. These were 4th row center seats and no one I knew wanted to buy them. The night of the show I run into the pissed guy from the line. I offered to give him a ticket for $5. He told me to go fuck myself. I think I might still have one of those unused seats.

My pick for great song of the week.

"Look At Miss Ohio"

Original Version RAW by songwriter Gillian Welch

Cover Version by Miranda Lambert (4 excellent albums in a row. Each one she grows as an artist.)

This is the song that popped in my head to day. So I had to listen to it. It is that song called "Room For One More" by the band Anthrax. From the album Sound of White Noise from the year 1993.
I felt compelled to post this:

Cry Baby by Japanese Voyeurs

100% certain that this is not for everybody!

Been keeping in eye on this band since I first heard them a year ago. Finally got their album today and I absolutely love it. It's a strange one, there's so much there to dislike, yet I can't help but feel massively impressed. I really can't put my finger on it...

Thoughts anyone?

I can see this as something Beavis and Butt-Head would need to comment on. Some one needs to send a link of this to Mike Judge
This song continues to inspire me no matter what...
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It's been a while, so here is one of my all time favorite bands. Too many songs to choose from, so here's the new one:
Oh, hey, Therapy?! Good call!

Listen to this first thing in the morning:
TRY to have a bad day after that.

For bonus points, follow up with "Heart" by Camper Van Beethoven
You know those songs that you've heard a million times but when you're in the exact right frame of mind, they never fail to hit you.


For bonus points, listen to it on a system with decent bass to get the full effect of Hooky's wonderfully purring tone.
psychedelic industrial epic, with a heavy dash of 80s electro and experimentalism:

The Tear Garden is members of Skinny Puppy and The Legendary Pink Dots. Edward Ka-Spel's voice is a "love it or hate it thing", and this song definitely takes it's time to develop (nothing about my description should indicate "short"!) If you have the time/patience to go with the song, it will take you on a trip!

For those with lack of patience, the vocal movement starts around 1:40, the heavier breakdown (with vocals by Ogre from SP) kicks off around 5:28 (though the lead in to that shouldn't be missed), the vocal climax builds around 2:02 of part 2 into BEAUTIFUL quiet section around 4:00, leaving the last movement instrumental beginning at 5 minutes.

I could write volumes about this song. It's not for everyone, but if I can one day write something that hits someone else the way this hits me....