The Apple Store for Help?

I was told by an Apple Store sales associate that I can bring my projects for help at the Apple Store to get help and advice from experts.

Has anyone here used that resource? And, how did it turn out?

I am getting close to a final cut to turn over to the music composer I work with. I am looking for some one on one interaction and insight on how my film project is turning out in another weekend or two.

I am in Facebook groups. There is one Final Cut Pro X group that I am in that is an excellent resource for help with specific questions on the software. What I am looking for is help on the creative side.
That sounds like a real dumb idea and something the Apple store wouldn't be up for doing - seeing how it's not a short film. I don't think they'd want one of their geniuses held up for a couple of hours.

If you want outside feedback then do an export and put it as a passworded Vimeo link, then ask here for people to be a test audience and PM it to them.
Then give it a try. Just because no one here has used Apple Store experts
for creative advice doesn't mean you shouldn't. I've never heard of them
doing that. But you were told they do it and you need that kind of advice
and help.

Go for it.

I didn't even know Apple offered one on one creative consulting. I look
forward to hearing how it works out.
Pretty sure if you booked time and went in, and asked them to critique your edit, you'd get a puzzled look. The next question would be "What technical problems are you having with your MacBook exactly?"

You better call Apple to see what this guy was talking about before you waste your time.
If you need the one on one there are plenty of editors here in NY, you can pay one as a consultant.
Hmm okay. Why don't you directly to the source? An editor! This is like, I want Coke. Let me see how I can get one. Oh if I listen to this seminar they give out Coke. Or wait. I can just buy a Coke!
I agree with directorik. It doesn't hurt to look into the Apple Store meet-ups. The sales associate told me they are for free. If not and they don't offer creative advice, I don't need them. I get great free on line help from the Facebook Final Cut Pro X group I am in. I'm in several groups. One in particular is very helpful with any technical questions.

IFP is local and has different programs available to filmmakers. They also have different degrees of memberships.

I actually was a member years ago and attended some informative seminars on digital video. That's where you meet industry people you can show your projects to for input and advice. Not the people giving the seminars. The filmmakers attending the seminars as well.
Good luck man. If I was a filmmaker that was not sure of my edit because I was not an editor, I'd either hire an editor to edit it or as a consultant to critique it. Not sure what all of this advice, tips, groups, one on one afterward stuff is or how it helps your actual edit or why any such care would be put into your project at such an informal level.
The genius bar tends to have a line of people waiting for help and 70% of that help is repairing damage that the owners did to their own products. They're repairmen and customer service people, it makes no sense for them to receive any training in film production or editing. And with the line of people waiting for help I also doubt that they'll devote hours to watching someones video with no chance of selling a product.

I always thought that getting feedback from creative film makers was one of the major points of the indietalk forum.
There's always skype.
Right. If you want one on one, you can always PM once someone agrees. The site is here for this very reason.
Thanks sfoster. That's what I needed to know. My iMac and Final Cut Pro X are in great shape most likely because I don't try the fancy multi-camera and monitor hook-ups I see a lot of people crying about when they don't work out.

Next week, I will show you guys a clip I did in my film using ActionFx FREE magic FX giveaway effects. They seemed to like my application for the two effects judging from the likes they gave it.

I guess IT doesn't understand the concept with art, it's in the eye of the beholder. When you edit until you drop onto your desk sleeping maybe a total of one or two hours before getting up and going to a day job, and you can't think straight from exhaustion, a second set of eyes looking at a film are very useful.
Not being able to see the forest for the trees.
It happens to me too, the only way around it is to take time off and then come back. Of course we don't always have that luxury of time and that's when a second pair of eyes comes in handy like youre saying.

The problem I've always faced at this point is that there's so much subjectivity to film. There's all these hundred million dollar films and we can't even agree with each other if they're good or not. Whose advice can you really trust?
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Not being able to see the forest for the trees.
It happens to me too, the only way around it is to take time off and then come back. Of course we don't always have that luxury of time and that's when a second pair of eyes comes in handy like youre saying.

The problem I've always faced at this point is that there's so much subjectivity to film. There's all these hundred million dollar films and we can't even agree with each other if they're good or not. Who's advice can you really trust?


Thanks for nailing it.