The Apple Store for Help?

I was told by an Apple Store sales associate that I can bring my projects for help at the Apple Store to get help and advice from experts.

Has anyone here used that resource? And, how did it turn out?

I am getting close to a final cut to turn over to the music composer I work with. I am looking for some one on one interaction and insight on how my film project is turning out in another weekend or two.

I am in Facebook groups. There is one Final Cut Pro X group that I am in that is an excellent resource for help with specific questions on the software. What I am looking for is help on the creative side.
If I am to look at my film from a Hollywood studio business angle, looking at the crap box office sales of Ghost In The Shell and Blade Runner makes my film a bad risk.

However, in view of the fact that by 2045, half the world's workforce jobs are going to artificially intelligent robots, at some point the public has to wake up. I just had lunch today in a local McDonald's where there are no more cash registers and employees are showing customers to use self-serving computer ordering machines. It's just a matter of time before the sleeping public is hit over the head like getting hit by a lead pipe of the reality of the world we are moving into.
I guess IT doesn't understand the concept with art, it's in the eye of the beholder. When you edit until you drop onto your desk sleeping maybe a total of one or two hours before getting up and going to a day job, and you can't think straight from exhaustion, a second set of eyes looking at a film are very useful.

Invest in sleep. Editing when exhausted is wasted time when you're not experienced to be able to do quality work on autopilot.

the fact that by 2045, half the world's workforce jobs are going to artificially intelligent robots

The loom, oh no, the loom. It'll take all our jobs. Time will tell if this industrial revolution will be different to all previous others.
Humans Season 3 is doing well on AMC as well.

The way artists work is when inspiration hits, you go with the momentum, until you drop. And, the more the film is shaping up, the more inspiration has hit. The film has much more Vfx and sound FX than the old shorter version. I picked up some interesting new ambience sounds from public domain media sites that add more atmosphere to the film as well.

I've been looking over old files to remove from my phone to create some space and see a big improvement in the quality of my projects five and ten years ago. The new film has effects I had no idea of how to make back then. The filming as well has gotten better. Looks like I have been learning something and improving my skills. I believe the new film will do better with both magazine reviews and festivals.
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If you need the one on one there are plenty of editors here in NY, you can pay one as a consultant.


With my luck I will end up with an editor way less experienced than me. That's why I shot all of the new spaceship footage myself with my trusty Canon EOS 60D. The new spaceship is a whole lot better than the old one.

I had a local prop master / model builder make the old ship and he advised me and my DP to shoot it with fishing wires attached. See how that turned out?

So, I think my approach will work out best and be the best way for me to learn and improve.

With my luck I will end up with an editor way less experienced than me. That's why I shot all of the new spaceship footage myself with my trusty Canon EOS 60D. The new spaceship is a whole lot better than the old one.

I had a local prop master / model builder make the old ship and he advised me and my DP to shoot it with fishing wires attached. See how that turned out?

So, I think my approach will work out best and be the best way for me to learn and improve.

You say you've been making films for a decade, sounds more probability than luck that you'll end up with an editor less experienced than you. The good news is that it's easier to criticize than it is to create, looking forward to hearing about how it goes after the meeting. Its a couple hours to watch a film and then even longer to open up an editor and go through alternate footage so hopefully the community is a welcoming one.

You've got me curious why you come to IT, placing more confidence in apple employees. there's that poll at the bottom of the home page.
I don't have more confidence in Apple employees in filmmaking. I was unsure as to what Apple offers Final Cut Pro users and I came here to see if anyone has tried. What I am looking for is a local Final Cut Pro users meet-up where Final Cut Pro users talk and share ideas on projects. That's why I am now considering IFP (Independent Film Project) in NYC instead. They do have gathering for filmmakers as well as workshops and seminars.

Is that clear now?
With my health deteriorating and too many people quartering, slicing, and dicing my time more and more, it's more important to me than ever to find a business partner to help get things done. The Internet proved useless in that regard. I am hoping for better luck with IFP.

These days, doctors and dentists want to own as much time as I will allow them to get away with and things are going on where I live that never took up as much time before like electricians killing days of my time to do simple work and making a major production out of it. The list is endless.
I hear you. I do intend to keep on looking. Human interaction is important. The problem with partnerships is lawyers. They have a tendency to bust partnerships because they want clients all to themselves. I almost had a screen writer / filmmaker partner, until the lawyers stepped in with crazy demands that turned the whole deal South.