I'm still cogitating on the differences.
Just as a general reiteration of the purpose of SBW:
Its purpose is to work within the Youtube system to help promote the works of the individual members to a level that is beyond what could be done alone.
Social Brain Wave, the Central Youtube Channel, will work as a hub. It will feature Original content, trailers, and reviews for the various works that are housed on the individual channels. It will be used as the connecting point of several dissimilar brands of content, ranging from animated shorts to unscripted nature films and music.
And from the first post of this thread:
Please visit Social Brain Wave @ facebook to learn more about how a group of us are helping promote the works of the individual members to a level that is beyond what could be done alone.
Now, I'll be the first to concede I haven't done squat to promote my own channel.
I haven't even had time to do research on best how to do that.
Honestly, I'm hard pressed to commit to producing content on a bi-weekly basis.
Without so much as a monthly "Happy Meal" incentive check from youtube coming in it's difficult to produce something just for the halibut.
Although I do enjoy producing 'Places of Nature!'
So, I have really dropped the ball on my end for promoting my own channel.
The only support I've provided MR, IP, and mckinise is to watch your posted videos, like them, and infrequently comment on them.
I know I need to do more to promote and support SBW and have no justifiable excuse as to why I haven't.
And the traffic @ the SBW facebook page is very infrequent - as we conduct this very conversation here instead of there as proof.
DangerTheatre.com seems like another channel or venue.
IDK if it brings
more attention to SBW or
fragments what non-existent viewership SBW does have.
Is it going to hurt?
Is it going to make it better?
The 'LyndrickMCollins' YT channel clearly has the greatest number of views and subscribers.
IDK if "DangerTheatre.com as the page featuring the videos", leaving "Social Brain Wave... more of a forum or Social Network of content marketers", makes for a stronger division or weaker package.
I do see the clear difference between the two: DT is the display, SBW is administration.
Simple enough.
I guess if I had to offer any grievance is that having display and administration bundled together, as they currently are, isn't really providing any credible difficulty for 'SBW'@YT viewers/followers to differentiate between any conversations regarding display or administration.
There's no one going "WTF are you guys talking about?!"
No one's complaining.
H3ll. No one's saying ANYTHING!
But that's the only thing I have to argue one way or another.
Hard to say "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
H3ll. No one's looked at it to even see if it's broke.
Now... if 'DT' can generate more attention and traffic to any of us, well then... now that's a whole new ballgame, and something to discus and consider.