We never did James Stewart. I'm gonna need some help with this. We gotta get him to the modern era.
He was in Vertigo and Rear Window. That gives you a lot of Hitchcock connections.
Stewart to Hitchcock
Hitchcock to Anthony Perkins(norman bates)
Anthony Perkins to Sean Connery (Murder on the Orient Express)
Sean Connery to
I bet you can finish from there.
Oh, very nice. Though, I think we're just doing actors/actresses only. Unless, does Hitchcock cameo?
Yea ,in every movie...i think every
We never did James Stewart. I'm gonna need some help with this. We gotta get him to the modern era.
That's what HE said!
Mr. Worthing, Jimmy-Stew is not an easy challenge, but it's bouncing around my brain. We'll get it.
Jimmy Stewart was in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance with John Wayne. (take that, so called 'men'!)
John Wayne was in that one western (kind of comedic, I think) with Eli Wallach.
Eli Wallach was in Keeping the Faith with Anne Bancroft.
Anne Bancroft was in Heartbreakers with Sigourney Weaver who was in..
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Jimmy Stewart was in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance with John Wayne. (take that, so called 'men'!)
John Wayne was in that one western (kind of comedic, I think) with Eli Wallach.
Eli Wallach was in Keeping the Faith with Anne Bancroft.
Anne Bancroft was in Heartbreakers with Sigourney Weaver who was in..
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