@Dean Jay -
well, I'm not taking sides here, but to be fair, I have seen some evidence that Fetus does go out there and do some good work. Asking about someone's credentials is fair play, in a professional debate, but much less so in a personal disagreement about a non professional topic. I think the reason most of us don't pull rank based on our various accomplishments is simply that it's impolite. Obviously I've done it before, because....... there are good days and bad days, lol. I don't have a good reason and frequently speak more out of emotion than logic, not my best work.
They weren't really insulting you, they were just saying that your question wasn't clear enough, and didn't have enough context or detail for them to provide a good answer. When I get a lot of negative feedback on something, I sometimes get defensive, that's natural, but over time I've learned that often the quality of replies I get to X are closely linked to the time and thought that I put into the question, the product, etc. Asking questions and trying to learn is always a good thing, but people get frustrated when questions are too vague, so my suggestion is to simply try painting a more complete picture next time.
"Why no stop signs?" could for example be rephrased as "why is it so rare to see someone stop at a stop sign in a movie"
The first version forces people to ask many more questions before they can give you a clear answer. The second version is easy to answer. "because film is about drama, and there is nothing dramatic about following traffic safety guidelines"
@The Lone Banana
I don't think Dean is a troll, he just has a "minimalist" way of communicating. He's always been a friendly and upbeat presence here, and the only time I see him get angry with anyone is just out of frustration that people don't understand how he communicates. I totally understand all the responses here, but I also understand Dean's perspective. He's trying to learn to communicate better, and is told that people can't help him communicate better until he can communicate better. That would be objectively frustrating for anyone I think. I thought you were a troll the first time I read some of your posts, but later recognized a pattern that didn't really match a description that reductive. Indietalk usually weeds out the real trolls pretty quickly, one devastating and inscrutable gif at a time, lol.
Honestly, I don't see how anyone can accuse Dean of being a dick while I'm around. I'm horrible. I pray in earnest for the unfortunate souls that have had the staggering lack of fortune to encounter me, lol. I'm just saying, we've all gotten frustrated, or been rude at one time or another, and might be wise to pay forward a bit of forgiveness, just in case we might need it ourselves on some rainy migraine day when we aren't at our best.
Hold on a sec
@indietalk I'll save you the trouble -
<iframe src="
https://giphy.com/embed/l4lQZvm3P85cWQfx6" width="480" height="340" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="
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