A decent size model train with rails may be a smoother solution to a RC Truck. The track will add stability.
Ok I made a small animation of some spaceships passing by the camera.
I didn't model the ships, they are free models.
All the other work here was done after my last post, so it took me about one hour to make this.
It's not great... it was rushed, of course. But with a bit more work it would look great.
I can't believe such a simple CG shot could be expensive... that's why I'm curious to know what you mean by expensive.
Here's the animation:
Ray’s point being that we see the light source regardless of whatRay that strange.blue light is the sun for the earth like planet Delta Four.
In order to keep the green from spilling on your spaceship, get it as far away from the ship as possible (15' is a good rule-of-thumb). Also, keep the GS flat, don't use a curved screen, and keep the screen perpendicular to direction the camera is pointing.
A couple reasons you might consider to not move the camera to simulate spaceship movement:
- Sometimes, parallax can result in accidentally shooting off the GS. Then, you'll need to roto.
- Imagine you are doing a shot where the ship needs to make a sharp turn. Instead of turning the ship you dolly the camera around it to simulate the ship's changing orientation. Your lights will also need to move with the camera, or the light sources will appear to be moving in the final composite.
If you are moving the model, keep you lights as far as possible so you get straight/hard lighting. If the lights are too close, the ship could move past a light and thus from front- the rear- lighting during a shot.
That ship reminds me of Babylon 5
(The Earth reminds me of Thunderbirds like stuff)
Where do you get the models?
I don't do CG ships.
Paul. I've got a seemless intergration setup with Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere worked out that works project to project. Sony can save each special effects scene with the same file name over and over in uncompressed HD avi. Adobe Premiere automatically updates the changes that way.
Sony can save each special effects scene with the same file name over and over in uncompressed HD avi. Adobe Premiere automatically updates the changes that way.
Once you start using Vegas you will wonder what took you so long to jump on the band wagon.
It takes time and patiences to get it right
I don'e export with Sony Vegas, I just render the files and they are automatically updated.
Here is one scene where the ship is used in different angles and shots.
I applied changes last night such as cutting the size of the ship in half in some shots and adding new lighting effects.
PW is mdmpllc
The ship is flying to the side and not to the front...overall I think it needs a LOT of work.
I would definetly do this in CG, it would look so much better. Right now just looks like a toy hanging from wires. Even if we can't see the wires.