...........Right now just looks like a toy hanging from wires. Even if we can't see the wires.
The toy-look can be fun!
...........Right now just looks like a toy hanging from wires. Even if we can't see the wires.
after watching that https://vimeo.com/44846982
(PW is mdmpllc)
I think the shot in context is about perfect as is. The esthetic is "consistent" and has a charm. Go with it!
CG rarely looks realistic even in high budget movies.
It has a TV budget look to it, which works like Space 1999 or an old Star Trek show. The market is the small screen and not the big screen.
I:m NOT paying a lot for CG that will look like an animation 9 out of 10 times anyway.
I'm sure you've seen a lot of movies where you didn't even notice CG was there...
Good CG doen's look like animation at all. Good work with miniatures can give you a great result too.
Since I thought you were not doing very well with the miniature I simply made a suggestion to use CG.
You made a choice of not using CG. It's your movie, your choice. Do whatever you want... just don't blame CG. That way it seems you're not using CG because it sucks, when the truth is you're not using CG because you DON'T WANT to.
There is a cg spaceship in the film's prologue for the ship the cyborgs left Earth in to travel to Delta Four that looks like an animation that cost me an arm and a leg when I had it made by a 3D animator in the USA. In the budget range I have I can't expect much better. Even finding a qualified stunt coordinator for sci-fi is not doable. I'm bringing in a Hollywood pro with all the right experience for my next production who is a friend.
Where can I see that? Is it online?