Shooting a corporate video

I'm shooting a corporate video for a personal friend in two weeks. It will entail a weekend of private jets, families, and a big party with a speech, etc.. I'm basically planning to shoot video of everything I possibly can and make a copy for the family and a copy for the company. This will be the largest project I've ever done. I would appreciate if anyone had ANY advice or experience to share.

Some notes: I'll be using one camera (Canon XL2). Planning on bringing a set of lav mics (any other audio recording recommended?). Planning on tripod for stills. Plenty of batteries, tapes, etc...
Something like this could result in many, many tapes. I might try to stay ahead of myself and log what's on each tape as you swap them rather than figuring that out in post when you capture. That way you can say "these 4 tapes are the private jet portion, and I want to do that scene, so I can capture just these 4 right now."
Good suggestion, thanks. I learned to label my tapes the hard way after filling up about a dozen of them on a fishing project. I'm planning on shooting 16:9. I usually shoot 24p (for independent films). I guess with something like this I would want to shoot 60i?
Just shoot alot and have fun. The bulk of your work will be in post so I hope you made room for that in your bid if you gave him a flat rate.
I do these non stop for Budweiser, Bud Light and the Michelob brands. I just charge a flat fee of 5 grand per show but I always have a blast and have seen most of the country in doing so... and part of the bermuda triangle on a cruise.
You'll dig it.