Secret Santa 2013

I'd tell you, but... it's SECRET Santa! ;)

Rambo Santa could be made into a new action sub-genré!
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joshythehipster, have you typed in your wishlist?
Rayw, of course I did!
Zensteve, have you typed in your wishlist?
Cracker Funk, have you typed in your wishlist?
Mad hatter, have you typed in your wishlist?
Dreadylocks, have you typed in your wishlist?
ChimphobiaFilms, have you typed in your wishlist?
Milecreations, have you typed in your wishlist?
Wheat Grinder, have you typed in your wishlist?
dlevanchuk, have you typed in your wishlist?
NickClapper, have you typed in your wishlist?
Flicker_pictures, have you typed in your wishlist?
Since I'm no animator (which is what I think my concept needs) this gift won't be everything I dreamt up, but it'll be something to put under the IT Tree. :D
I don't want anything :(

Actually, what I really want is someone to volunteer to make my Secret Santa video for me...

Weeell, if you got me then I want a 10 page video essay on the impact of jack the ripper on late 19th century slam poetry writers. And I want it in a dead language, s'il vous plait.
I got mine written - need a day off to shoot it. Short & simple, that takes care of the request. :cool:

Noone better be expecting Oscar material! :bag:

I wrapped principal photography today, and that's the earliest I've ever done that. By using that wording, though, I kinda feel like I'm shining shit, cuz "principle photography" was me and my iphone. I had fun shooting it, though, and I'm hoping my recipient will like it. :D