Dane =D
Too late to the party? Bernie wants IN.
jeffypal [at] yahoo dot com
So we're drawing names tonight, yes?
ps: yay! the old gang is back together again! damn onions...
ps: yay! the old gang is back together again! damn onions...
Cool. Just got the email! Can't wait!
I wasn't able to click the "join" link in my email. Hmmm...
** scratch that ** had to relocate the email from spam into my main box.
That happened to me because it ended up in my spam folder. Once I clicked 'not spam' and it moved to my inbox I was able to click the link.
Joined group and wish made!
Cracker Funk, Mad hatter, Milecreations, Wheat Grinder, dlevanchuk and Flicker_pictures: Hurry up, ya'll tardy bums!
Once everyone checks their email and clicks 'join' the site will draw names and email us with our matches
What kind of Christmas gift video would you like?*** why is it asking me for Gift Ideas? ***