Script Done, Casting Done... the film feels so real!

Whew... its a glorious 24 page short film which took 6 weeks to finish which included 2 readings and 1 major revision and other various tweaking; and I have a day job and its been busy recently. I sent it off to the cast last night which I spend the last 3 weeks auditioning and recruiting.

So for the next 3 weeks I can somewhat relax before we shoot it... not! Even though its done I and I'm starting on the movies Costumes, Props and Stop-Motion Scenes (cause I don't know CGI) I may add a tweak here and there but I'm very happy with the final product.

But now that the script is done, and the casting is done, it feels so real...

It even has its own webspage -
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Congratulations. Good Luck with the shoot. Don't settle for anything less then a perfect take.

One thing: I was looking at your site, and I couldn't find anywhere on it that gave your location. i might just be blind. But, if i'm not, it should be there.
@behind my camel - Thanks man. Yeah I've budgeted about 1 hour for each minute of video (two 12-hour days) but as I'm going to do some double imposing for the clone effect I though better to have more time then I need and everyone goes home early on Sunday than run out of time and having to ask actors and crew to stay later.

@ussinners - Your Right! My location is only in the Photography side of the site. I will add my location to the film side of the website.

Just for the record the filming will be in/around Ottawa Canada, Canada's Capital.
My next movie's stop-motion will be more "Harryhausen" style as it will invole character's being animated. For this movie I'm animating ships and what-not for a space battle.

I tend to agree that stop motion takes a long time, however with today's technology and software I can take pictures and line up on the computer the next shot so it should be faster and more accurate then pervious methods I have used in the past (guess, move & hope).

I have also gotten an awesome shoot location (confirmed yesterday) and picked up all the props (which need a little TLC into futuristic weapons), last on my list is the costumes for the actors and minor pre-shoot items (like food for the day and pick up some extra memory cards). I'm also trying to negotiate some music for my movie to save me some time so I don't have to make it myself.
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Almost there...

Less than a week left to the shoot!

Costumes = Done!
Audio Equipment = Purchased!
ND Filter = Arrived! (That would of made things interesting...)
Blue Screen =Acquired!