Oh the humanity!

You would support the 2D to 3D conversion of 'Milk'?

As i've said in previous posts on the subject. 3D has yet to enhance my viewing pleasure, so the conversion, to me personally, is irrelevent. I was merely meeting your point as to why "Milk", a movie like any other shot a little over two years ago, would be "Terrible" in 3D.
You would support the 2D to 3D conversion of 'Milk'?

I would support it, but only if they add a bunch of random CG creatures, and matte paintings to the background.


I think 3D might find a home in the adult entertainment industry. It
might be just the revival that porn needs. Get folks back into the theater, you know?


I think 3D might find a home in the adult entertainment industry. It
might be just the revival that porn needs. Get folks back into the theater, you know?


Well, the embarresed folks goin' the picture house for that purpose have already mastered wearing glasses while at the theatre, aswell as the moustache disguise.
Star Wars? In 3d?!

Maybe this is just what the franchise needs - after all, The Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi still haven't made their money back*.

* According to David Prowse, while trying to reconcile his non-existant residual cheques with reality.