archived-videos NOBLE - Short Film

Hey ladies and gents, here's our latest project, "Noble". It was a fun one, very educational, and our first one collaboratively that involved extensive preproduction and a multiple location shoot over a few days. About 43 hours of production crammed into two and a half days, and then lots of time in post "finessing". We're about to enter it into a few festivals and see how that goes.

As always, critique is welcome, let me know what you guys think!

It's in 1080p on YouTube, worth the click through to watch it in High-Res. A Higher quality vimeo version is also available.

Noble -

Click here to watch on Vimeo

Jeremiah, a young man raised in a long lineage of assassins is the perfect killer. He is convinced he's right in what he does until a new target, a young woman, forces him to question right and wrong. In his search he encounters a part of his past, forcing him to rethink his future.

Shot With Canon EOS 7Ds
Using the Following Lenses:
Canon 24mm f/1.4L
Canon 50mm f/1.4
Canon 85mm f/1.2L
Canon 400mm f/2.8L
Canon 24-70mm f/2.8L

Edited on Adobe Creative Suite 5

Final Audio Mix in Logic 8

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What microphone did you use? The sound quality was good, maybe sometimes the dialogue was to quiet.

One critisism point is that the gun fight did seem a bit "dull"
Love it, looks very pro. The foley was a bit lacking...

I thought the age group casting was correct to the "family\orphanage" idea, sortof an updated Fagin (oliver) family for 2011.
Again thanks guys.

Originally we were aiming for mid-twenties, but most of the response we got to the casting call was around 20-21, I think it still works story-wise though.

We used a sennheiser me-66 into a Zoom H4n on set. It's a decent mic, but my next big gear purchase is definitely a better mic or two. I have my eyes set on a 416 and then something hypercardoid, though not sure which one yet. Thanks to Alcove for all the tips and explanations as to why both are needed.

Dialogue did end up quiet from a stupid mistake on my end during an allnighter in a rush to get it out haha. We fixed it though for vimeo.

Working on a behind the scenes/cast & crew interview video this week.
I watched it again. There is a few things that I think need improved. I think the sound of they guy getting hit in the elevator could be better. Also, the sound of they guy getting his head hit on the concrete should be louder and maybe more of a thud. But keep in mind I am only listening though a computuer with no head phones. I think with out a better sound for those hits that is seems pretty weak as far as the shoves and whacks. Improved sound will sell the hits better. I think the guns did not sound right to me. Is there anything you could do to improve the sound of your guns. That is the few areas in sound you could improve. Next a new voice over for the door scene maybe. See below for the door scene ideas.

When the bad guy is at the door he seems to be talking not loud enough for guy to hear and to fit the context. I was thinking to my self that that scene would have been better if he was shouting at the door much like a cop would when trying to get some one to give up and come out of the room. That way you could tell the bad guy was mad too. Just my opinion.

The lead actor did a good job. But the lead girl is nice to look at but not the greatest actor. I did not feel that she came off with the emotion correctly for the scenes and I did not feel that it was a good job making it believable.

Overall with the flaws you have I think the best you could do is redo some of the sound elements I have besides reshoot a few scenes to improve acting. But great job none the less.

Also, again I feel like I am watching an intro versus a while story. It kinda makes you want to see more but the problem is will there be a conclusion or more. I would rather had a great ending with a bunch of guns blazing or something. Then show who survives. Some sort of ending is needed to really make me happy.

This short could use more action and a good gun fight or something.

The audio did sound good on the Vimeo versus the youtube good job fixing the volume with that.
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I loved the storyline, it made me want more, I also loved the color grading and the acting.
If I had to rate this from 1-5 it would be a 8!
Originally we were aiming for mid-twenties, but most of the response we got to the casting call was around 20-21, I think it still works story-wise though.

Definitely up the age of the cast for the feature version. It does work, story-wise; I was sucked in! It's nice to see a well done adventure like this. Great job! Would like to show this at IndieMeet, if you're game.
Cool, thanks guys! We're in post on another 90 second short featuring a (short) car chase and some 1000 fps slow mo stuff. Should be fun.

@Scoopicman - Yeah sounds good to me. Let me know how you want it, a digital screener or dvd/blu-ray or? I'll be out of the country during the dates of the IndieMeet so you'll have to let me know the response :)
I really liked this. The lighting was great, as was the camera operator's work in terms of movement. I think the story is a very cool one, although overdone, you can make an entertaining film or series with this plot device.

I have a few criticisms I'd like to make. Firstly, the focus was WAY too squishy. I think you guys fell into wet dream of DOF, and didn't have a focus-puller that could handle it. Way too many shots are out of focus and muddy...yes you can pull off some really nice cinematic stuff with nice glass, but you need a really good focus-puller...that's my main gripe.

Secondly, I just didn't care for the characters enough. Mainly the girl. I felt like the lead girl was far too complacent...I didn't believe her, nor did I care for her. She's got a great look...but her performance was weak and stifled.

Lastly, the last fight and shootout needed a lot more choreography and coverage.

Other than those three gripes, everything else was solid. I also really liked the sound design and music.

Nice work. Would love to see more.
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Looks great! The quality of the shots was superb, and the score was fantastic - really set the mood in each scene. The only thing I could see that could be improved is the acting, particularly the sister, and the gun scene. But I really enjoyed it!
@Scoopicman - Yeah sounds good to me. Let me know how you want it, a digital screener or dvd/blu-ray or? I'll be out of the country during the dates of the IndieMeet so you'll have to let me know the response :)

A standard DVD would be great, Thanks! I'll PM you my address. I try to line up a few of the most entertaining movies possible, as the rest of the shorts are brought in by the crowd - hence, you never know what you're going to get. This one is fun. With any of these, I'm always willing to trade EXILE or TERRARIUM.