blog My writing.

Good morning,

If you read my posts on this section, you'll see I've been writing on various story lines, most of which have nothing to do with each other. In other words, my writing is disjointed. But, for now, I like doing that, because, just as a pianist may enjoy pressing on the piano keys, so too do I enjoy typing on the keyboard. I've read the biography of Mozart, and I found out that, when he died, he was working on several compositions, and others have told me that they work on several projects at the same time, so I may be doing what others are doing.

With that in mind, I would like to post these bits and pieces, and, with your kind indulgence, have you encourage me - everyone needs feedback, and everyone needs encouragement.

Thanks for letting me write this out.
At the end of the film, he returns to the law school, where the same professor talks of how the legend goes that a sage or angel from the sky came ... ... ...
Further to the above, and one of my favourite scenes from the whole Dr. Who collection, here's the legend in reverse, the (re)appearance in the present of Amy's not-so-imaginary friend from the past:

For research purposes, if you haven't already done so, perhaps you could spare a few hours to watch Lost in Austen, which shares some similarities with your storyline - a thoroughly modern "real life" woman finding herself in a fictional past (and a brief glimpse of her literary counterpart discovering the 21st Century).
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An idea going through my mind is not being in King Arthur's court but rather at the time of King John, when he had to deal with Robin Hood.

I am thinking of a scene at law school, where the professor teaches his class that the common law began just before the time of King John, after the Norman conquest in 1066, and it took centuries. The movie then switches to the time of King John, when a stranger, in modern clothing, has lots of modern marvels and slowly teaches the locals about the common law as it should be.

Towards the end of the movie, the scene switches back to the professor at the law school, who teaches how the Normans came and, in a generation, create the modern common law system He would then talk of the legend of that time, of how a stranger came and taught them everything, but historians consider it just a myth - the time line has changed. After the lecture, he goes out to the classroom where he meets his mentor - the same guy who was in the middle ages, wearing the same clothing, who says he's proud of how the professor has learned from him. Again, this person is a time travellor, changing history.

I think there's potential in this, but everyone thinks their idea is the greatest.
We had a long weekend here, so I took time off to read and write. I need at least two clear days before I can get into writing mode, and taking two weeks off in December and January was good for me. I've written various bits and pieces, and I finally solved a problem in my story on King Arthur.

I have a scene where Ardith, a Saxon warrior princess, was sailing to meet the Romans in Brittania. By her side was her attack dragon, but I kept seeing the reptile as a Labrador Retriever, grinning and hoping for something to eat. Well, I finally put that image to good use.

I have another scene, where the Roman was asked by the locals to fight off a dragon - this is inspired by Akiro Kurosawa's "The Seven Samurai". Instead of having the legionnaires attack the animal, I have a scene where Merlyn interrupts them and says he can deal with it ...... by giving it lots of food. The wizard then adds that, when he was studying magic, he learned the history of how wolves were similarly domesticated, and, now, wild dragons are going through the same process. This would add some variety to the usual action scenes.

Thanks, everyone, for taking the time to read my writings. I was very happy to indulge in this.

@directorik, over to you.
Good morning,

If you read my posts on this section, you'll see I've been writing on various story lines, most of which have nothing to do with each other. In other words, my writing is disjointed. But, for now, I like doing that, because, just as a pianist may enjoy pressing on the piano keys, so too do I enjoy typing on the keyboard. I've read the biography of Mozart, and I found out that, when he died, he was working on several compositions, and others have told me that they work on several projects at the same time, so I may be doing what others are doing.

With that in mind, I would like to post these bits and pieces, and, with your kind indulgence, have you encourage me - everyone needs feedback, and everyone needs encouragement.

Thanks for letting me write this out.
Sorry for the non sequitor but, re. Mozart, I always think of Glenn Gould's line: The tragedy of Mozart's life is that he died too old. (Glenn didn't think much of the later Mozart compositions, lol)
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Yup, lol THat's just Gould being a smart-ass and it always makes me chuckle. He was, to my mind, the best interpreter of Bach on the keyboard, probably since Bach himself--an opinion far from universal, but not that controversial either.

Anyway, I find myself really tickled by the idea of a time traveling lawyer, maybe chasing ambulances through history, looking for slip and fall clients, medical malpractice through the ages--And did Dr. X ask if you were allergic to leeches? Did you sign anything?; divorce? -- Ms. Boleyn, we definitely have grounds. What, specifically, would you want to retain? ). Anyway.

(EDIT: and sorry about the lawyer caricatures. :) )
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@Spike, a modern lawyer would not be able to function in the older times, because many of the concepts available today were unknown then. Before, they had trial by combat, and, in the English common-law world, they had no understanding of negligence until the modern times. I am a practising lawyer, and, while I understand we are still developing as a species, it would grate me to write a story about those times when they didn't have our understanding of justice.

With that in mind, I have an idea that the time travellers go back to change history by introducing modern concepts like the law, human rights, and so on - their bargaining power with the ruling classes would be their modern technology and gifts made possibly by that technology.
Ahh. You want to be serious, and I respect that. It's a dense, but I think, good idea. THat's one of the things you can do with science fiction, deal with important and always relevant subjects--justice; injustice--by being able to frame them in unique settings. If our time traveling lawyer wants to attack, and maybe rectify injustice--things that have always bothered him--a few that have always bothered me are: Socratese, accused, convicted,, sentenced, and executed for not believing in the gods, for corrupting the youth, for having some magic-like ability to make the weaker argument defeat the stronger. Or the French Revolution--the high ideals of the Enlightenment devolving into The Terror. Should Louis XI, Marie Antoinette, have been beheaded in the streets of Paris? Anyway, just riffing a bit :)
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Throw Lady Godiva in jail for indecent exposure and raise taxes to pay for the guards and prison construction.
It's unacceptable how people lived in the past, and now we have the chance to fix it.


You could have a quantum leap thing going on, where there is a good leaper trying to right wrongs, and an evil leaper trying to make things worse