movies Movies you walked out on.

Two for me, mostly because there was something happening that I just didn't want to see.

Marley and Me. OK, It was annoying, to me, that Owen Wilson didn't know anything about a dog and didn't seem to want to learn. Marley was supposed to be a "bad dog" for doing doggie things, chasing and barking and such. You have to teach him, I thought. He's a golden retriever, for Christ's sake--a breed designed to learn, to please. But this was standard movie stupidness; it wasn't what made me leave.

It was when the dog was at the vets and was dying. I just didn't want to watch, and so went to the bathroom, stepped outside and smoked a cigarette, milled around the lobby for a bit, and then went back in, maybe ten minutes later. And the dog was still dying! I turned and walked out.

Mommie Dearest. Listen, I have nothing against watching unpleasant things, shitty human behaviour and such (I was riveted by Schindler's List, for Christ's sake), but I wasn't sure I was into, at that moment, child abuse. So when Joan Crawford opened that closet door, turned like an ax murderer and cried: "Wire hangers?" And then set out, waving one, looking for the kids? No, I thought. Just no.

I heard, by the way, that Mommie Dearest had become, for a bit, a midnight movie thing, where a campy crowd would, in Rocky Horror Picture Show style, bring wire hangers into the theater, and then, at that moment, pull them out and run around and whack each other in the ass. That I would have enjoyed, lol. Anyway :)
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I remember walking out of a japanese movie once during a filmfestival.
It was some dumb artyfarty film about a guy who's plastic blow up sextoy doll came to life.
It bored and angered me that this nonsense had wasted my time.
There were not even guns or explosions in the movie.
It didn't happen to me but I witnessed it; Friday night and guys took their dates to see Boogie Nights. The place was packed. The lights went down and the movie started. So far so good, then they got to the first sex scene with Durk Diggler and Amber Waves. It was a good scene, but all of a sudden at least 6 young couples got up and left, never to return. I almost had to laugh. It reminded me of the scene in Taxi Driver when Travis took Betsy to a porno movie on their first day. Ha! The dates that these guys took to see Boogie Nights were probably having the same reaction as Betsy, obviously offended and thinking they were out with sex maniacs.
The only movie that I can remember getting up and walking out was A Clockwork Orange..(In 1972).....I was in the Navy enrolled in Hospital Corpsman school at Great Lakes, IL Navy base.....Took a date to the movie not knowing what it was about......After a short time, we both wanted to leave so we got up and walked out.
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I walked out of a few movies. Memorable occasions were -

Batman and Robin - I think this one is pretty self explanatory. I think it was around the point where Mr Freeze made his 9th ice pun in a 2 minute period.

The Matrix - I walked out right after the movie ended, in stunned silence, thinking that it was the best movie I've ever seen, and wondering if the parking lot was real.

Pluto Nash - I thought it was going to be a sci fi comedy movie, but there was nothing funny about Pluto Nash

Elephant - In a missed opportunity to condemn violence, and the social pressures that lead to it, GVZ chose to make a pretentious art film designed to draw attention to himself.

The Tree of Life - As a huge fan of filmmakers like Ron Fricke, I thought I might get into this experimental art film. It turns out they just gave 100 million dollars to a really high person and let them riff.

The Mummy - In the inverse, I did not walk out on this film, I think I may have seen it as many as 6 times. I forget that I watched it so fast, the film is barely over before I've completely forgotten about it.

Reign of Fire - The most exiting trailer, the most boring movie ever. How can you start out with a concept like jumping out of helicopters to attack dragons in midair with an axe, and then turn that into a film about people having a conversation about crops in a grey ditch for 2 hours?

The Irishman - I liked the movie, great show, but unfortunately, while I was watching it, a lot of people I knew from high school died of old age, and I had to drive to another state and attend the funerals. When I got back home the movie was still playing, so I did get to see the end. Did you know Jimmy Hoffa died eventually?

We need to talk about Kevin - Art films are supposed to be artistic. You don't just take a regular film and slow it down.

Heathers - I didn't walk out of this one, it was great, no idea why it's on this list

House of the Dead - I quit watching once I realized Paris Hilton was in it

Master of Disguise - Have you ever walked out of a rental? Dana Carvey made slapstick comedy look like trying to solve cold fusion.

Sweeny Todd - This was the moment I completely lost faith in Tim Burton.

From Justin to Kelley - I walked out on this one as soon as I saw the first publicity image. Regular people singing cover songs is not a movie, it's karaoke, and you have to be drunk to enjoy it.

Cats - why did you make this?

Cosmic Sin - This is why you don't make a movie with your uncles retirement money. You were supposed to go to school for filmmaking first.

The Love Guru - Mike Myers can be funny, but this movie was a tire fire, stopped watching it within minutes.

Atlas Shrugged - a watered down ode to selfishness, written by an actual psychopath, and presented as a 5 hour allegory about stepping on other people for the greater good. Unwatchable.

Children of Dune - Did you know that it looks cool if you have blue eyes on a brown background. Let's just run with that for 8 hours. I didn't so much walk out as I was lulled to sleep. Both Steven King and John Carpenter literally made movies starring a cloud of fog, and both were more enthralling than this.

Ghosts of Mars - I was a big John Carpenter fan at one time, but this was just very formulaic and dull.

John Carter - I've tried to watch this movie 15 times, and have never made it to the end. Maybe it's not a great idea to spend 330 million dollars on Edgar Rice Boroughs books, since it's no longer 1931.
I didn't walk out on Gangs of New York, but I wanted to. It seemed so pointless. I suppose if you look at the movie as some sort of history lesson then it becomes more tolerable. As a story, I have to ask 'why did they make this'? On the other hand, Daniel Day-Lewis can do no wrong. The greatest living actor, in my opinion.
My personal policy is to endure everything I commit to. In my youth, I used to go to up to 5 theatrical movies on opening Friday (might have hit 6 one time). Never walked out.

Reign of Fire - The most exiting trailer, the most boring movie ever.

John Carter - I've tried to watch this movie 15 times, and have never made it to the end.

One man's trash might be my treasure. :wait: I've seen those multiple times. Some goofy ideas in REIGN OF FIRE, but Bale, McConaughey, and the dragons were amazing to me.

I went on a triple date to see a double feature of ANIMAL HOUSE and STARCRASH. I wanted to stay, but my friends made me leave during STARCRASH. I resent them for that to this day. :lol:

There are some films I refuse to watch. I was at a buddy's house, who has a screening room with rows of theater seats. One of the guests demanded that we watch A SERBIAN FILM, so I left as soon as it started.
I've seen a LOT of SHITTY films -- never walked out on one EXCEPT MACHETE.

I was a Robert Rodriguez fan for a very long time until MACHETE. Jesus... HE WAS MY HERO.

Don't get me wrong... I enjoyed watching Danny Trejo do his thing... "Machete don't text" and the like but I personally found much of that film offensive to me. I won't go into the WHYs because it's a very long story and this is not the place for that.
I've never walked out on a movie. Doesn't matter to me how bad it is, how pointless it is, how ; I love movies.

There are movies I have no interest in seeing but if I were to sit down in a theater I would hang in to the last frame.