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Twin Fate

Separated at birth, twin brothers from vastly different worlds escape their oppressive upbringing and, by fate, reunite on the streets of New York. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to find their birth mother while evading those from their troubled past who threaten to tear them apart.
Actually, I never really thought of it that way.. The inciting incident, as you have correctly identified, is part of an action sequence:

In my story, one of the twins is the unwitting adopted son of a mob boss who only learns the truth that his only boy is not his biological son but the son of a suspected junkie homeless woman who gave birth the same night his wife gave birth. The mobster confronts the doctor and nurse about their "crime" of switching his real baby and demands they tell him what happened to his real son 16 years prior.

Basically, the doctor was tasked for caring for the mobsters wife during her late stages of pregnancy and that fateful night when his wife started to complain of abdominal pain, the mobster demanded the doctor make a house visit and check her out, despite having been there only a few shorts hours earlier, just before his shift at the hospital.

Around this time, a call comes in to prepare for the arrival of a pregnant homeless woman struck by a vehicle. Due to the complexity of the trauma, only this same doctor and his trusted head nurse have the expertise to save the woman and her babies, which they do. But in the confusion, the mobster's wife gets worse as the mobster waits for the doctors arrival to his home.

But he doesn't show... He is busy saving the life of the homeless woman and her babies.

The mobster's frantic efforts to reach the doctor are in vain and he finally takes his wife to the emergency room himself, but the damage is done.... the mobster's baby will eventually die and his wife's life hangs in the balance as she has lost a lot of blood due to a placental abruption.
This is why the nurse and doctor colluded 16 years ago to switch one of the homeless mother's twins with the mobster's dying baby in the NICU to avoid the wrath of the mobster who would have held the doctor responsible for the death of his biological son . But after 16 years, their deadly secret comes out...

When the mobster learns his real son died due to complications arising from a placental abruption hours after his birth, the fates of both the nurse and doctor are pretty much sealed. The mobster's wife, who knew the truth, years earlier (call it a mother's intuition and confirmed by the doctor) withheld the truth from her murderous husband but with her health failing and on her dying breath, she tells her son that she cannot protect him any longer. Before he can get further answers from his dying mother, she passes away. Grief stricken, he runs away but not before he makes a visit to the doctor's home (who happens to be a family friend) as instructed by her mother's last words ...

When he arrives, his father is already there with the intent of killing the nurse and doctor who are also present at the doctors home. There is an action scene and the nurse and doctor are killed, but the son barely manages to escape ... only to be hunted down by the mobster and his thugs.

It is during a future chase scene that one of the enforces chases the twin into an alley and the two twin brothers collide with each other.. that's how they meet...
Separated at birth, twin brothers from vastly different worlds escape their oppressive upbringing....... Fantasy or SF?
It is a fictional drama ... the biological mother was a homeless woman struck by a vehicle with a sordid history with a history of substance abuse. Her sole surviving twin is placed in foster care due to her being homeless and having a history of substance abuse. Even though She was clean during her pregnancy, she relapses at the death of her son and losing her other to foster care system.... We do not learn what happens to her until 16 years later when her sons try to find her in their journey
Anytime a mob boss is thrown into a drama like this (a non-mob movie) I wonder about the cheesiness of it, especially in the acting. It's usually some over-the-top cliche mob shit so I'm wondering if it could be something else more realistic, like a prominent person of the town, lots of money and power, but corrupt and into the drug trade, or something. Like he owns a chain of 7 stores that sell electronics in the Midwest somewhere. And everyone fears him. But not the normal mob boss with a Sicilian bloodline type thing.
Anytime a mob boss is thrown into a drama like this (a non-mob movie) I wonder about the cheesiness of it, especially in the acting. It's usually some over-the-top cliche mob shit so I'm wondering if it could be something else more realistic, like a prominent person of the town, lots of money and power, but corrupt and into the drug trade, or something. Like he owns a chain of 7 stores that sell electronics in the Midwest somewhere. And everyone fears him. But not the normal mob boss with a Sicilian bloodline type thing.
The problem is...there is a ruthlessness about the character that would need to be there, otherwise the doctor would not resort to such desperate measures. I am open to suggestions, however .. nothing is written in stone here, its all just a very rough scribble of notes and ideas
In small towns people like this are feared. Organized crime and drugs/sex trade, but not the "mob" per se. They can run the town. They can pay off cops. They can act like saints and show up at church and donate to open a new school but they are feared.
When titling a movie remember, it doesn't always have to be clever or a pun, or have a double meaning. And it doesn't need to explain what happens (like the Lifetime ones). Twin Fate borders on this. And not sure about Brothers Apart either. I don't need to hear a title and think "Ohhh I know what this is about!" How many movies are like that? So just give it a good title. It could even be a town name, the corrupt town. Seneca Falls. I just made that up. Or maybe it's a real town. 🤷‍♂️ -pause- (google says it is in NY, cool!)